
Friday, June 21, 2024

COMPQ Update

Readers got a free "bonus update" on Wednesday because nobody reminded me that it was Juneteenth, which is an important holiday commemorating the fact that months can also be numbers.  There have been years I've forgotten my own birthday (not kidding) until someone (usually my wife or one of the kids) said, "Happy Birthday," so I can hardly be expected to remember every holiday on the calendar, especially those that have only become official recently.

Anyway, it turns out I should have taken that day off and now the market owes me one.  Also, there's not a lot to add to that update, so I took the time to label the COMPQ chart.  I've discussed this in prior updates, but sometimes it helps to have a visual, so here it is:

In conclusion, because we are into "never bank on fifth waves" territory, there's always the possibility that the rally is done, but right now it probably looks slightly more likely that there's still another 4/5 unwind out there lurking.  Do be aware though, that even if the current drop is "only a fourth wave," because the prior fifth wave extended, it does at least have the potential to retrace much deeper than shown (it could retrace most of the post-Fed rally if it wanted without creating any technical problems).  In any case, not a lot to go off of beyond that, so we'll see how things look on Monday.  Trade safe.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

SPX Update

Last update noted that there was a reasonable possibility that the few days prior had merely been a micro 4th wave correction, and SPX proceeded to launch a pretty blistering rally from there.  I continue to encourage bears to await an impulsive decline before getting too committed, especially since a continued 5th wave extension is not outside the realm of the possible.

In conclusion, the last few updates have (in my opinion) clearly outlined where I stand on this wave.  Essentially, while it's very possible that we're closing in on the end of this rally, and several other indices are behaving much more weakly than SPX and COMPQ, the trend in SPX remains up until there's an impulsive turn lower.  Trade safe.

Monday, June 17, 2024

SPX and BKX: SPX vs. The World

While I have my eye on many charts right now -- for example, NYA and INDU have both languished below recent highs despite the relative strength in SPX -- one chart I'm watching carefully is BKX.  BXK has been in a downtrend for a month now:

As noted, BKX is only three waves down so far, but we should keep an eye on this one to see if that decline becomes an impulse.  If it does, it should portend at least an intermediate correction (were it to form an ABC down), if not much more -- the most bearish case being the red 2/B on the chart, with Red 3/C being the start of a major bear wave.

SPX may have simply completed a complex ("simply... complex"?) 4th wave at micro degree, but I can't rule out the bear option yet.

In conclusion, SPX still has not formed an impulsive decline at any wave degree, so there's nothing for bears to write home about yet in that index.  I'm keeping a close eye on BKX (and NYA and INDU) though, because if those markets go on to form impulsive declines at larger degree, then that may be the canary in the coal mine.  Trade safe.

Friday, June 14, 2024

SPX, COMPQ, INDU, and The Miracle of AI

On Wednesday, Fed Chair Jerome Powell gave his scheduled speech, but no one knows what he said, because I'm too lazy to look it up.  Given the market didn't bother to react, I assume it was his usual canned talk about "tools" and "keeping careful watch" and such.

(Above:  Chair Powell speaks; original image made with AI.)

The above image of Chair Powell was made possible by The Miracle of AI and was generated merely by using an increasingly-frustrated series of prompts.  Even with all the frustration and missteps, it "only" took 15 minutes to get something vaguely resembling what I was asking for -- whereas, before AI, I never would have even bothered, because "Chair Powell" just isn't a good enough pun to waste hours on in Photoshop. 

While I never got the image I quite had in mind, that may be my fault for not having Enough Commitment to the Project.  Here's the final image AI generated from my prompt, and precisely where I gave up:

Anyway, the point is, NONE of that frustration would have been possible without The Miracle of Eh Aye.  The future is bright indeed!

Chart-wise, we're now getting into the zone where I think it's reasonable to start placing the 5 label with a "?".  Assuming no fifth wave extension, we could be close to completing the current fifth, though the prior caveat about it being unclear if there is one more 4/5 unwind still needed persists, for now.

Interestingly, INDU has not exceeded its prior high.  On June 5, I offered this speculation:

INDU is interesting, and there are multiple possibilities in its pattern -- including the possibility that a larger correction in INDU has already begun. In that option, INDU could bounce in wave 2/B while SPX rallies to a modest new high in Wave 5, before they both decline again together.


And COMPQ is likewise in its inflection zone:

In conclusion, multiple markets have reached inflection zones, but please continue to keep in mind that we do NOT yet have anything resembling an impulsive turn lower, and these are zones, not hard levels, so we'll just have to see how the market reacts from here.  Trade safe.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

SPX and COMPQ Updates

There's not a lot to add since last update, but I think last update's conclusion bears repeating:

[W]e're probably getting close (days to weeks) to a significant correction, and potentially even to the start of a new bear market. That said, fifth waves are intentionally tricky to nail down, so they always leave themselves the option for things like fifth wave extensions, just to severely punish bears one last time... so my policy is generally to await an impulsive decline before deciding to buck the trend with any conviction. Even after that first impulse down, MOST OF THE TIME (not always, of course), there's a big bounce that comes reasonably close to the prior high, and that's usually a reasonable time for bears to get serious.

COMPQ is unchanged, but I do want to expand a bit on the annotation here.  I noted that COMPQ might need one more 4-5 unwind requiring "days to weeks" -- in case readers don't entirely know what's meant there, it would mean COMPQ is still in a lower degree 5th, which, when it completes, would correct in a 4th wave, and THEN go on to the final fifth wave rally to new highs.

 SPX is in a similar boat, in the event that blue 3 and 4 are actually the lower degree iii and iv:

It is for those reasons, along with the ever-present threat of a fifth-wave extension (in fact, we seem to be witnessing a micro fifth wave extension in ES as I type), that I continue to advocate awaiting an impulsive decline before getting too committed to the bear side of things.  We'll see what the Fed meeting brings today.  Trade safe.

Monday, June 10, 2024

SPX, COMPQ, INDU: COMPQ Captures Upside Target

Let's start with COMPQ, which has now captured its "official" upside target from May along with its "unofficial" upside target zone from November of last year:

INDU remains worth keeping an eye on:

And SPX is into "fifth wave could complete whenever it wants" territory:

In conclusion, we're probably getting close (days to weeks) to a significant correction, and potentially even to the start of a new bear market.  That said, fifth waves are intentionally tricky to nail down, so they always leave themselves the option for things like fifth wave extensions, just to severely punish bears one last time... so my policy is generally to await an impulsive decline before deciding to buck the trend with any conviction.  Even after that first impulse down, MOST OF THE TIME (not always, of course), there's a big bounce that comes reasonably close to the prior high, and that's usually a reasonable time for bears to get serious.  Trade safe.

Friday, June 7, 2024

SPX Update: A Thankless Job

 So, the chart pretty much speaks for itself again.

Trade safe.