
Monday, April 15, 2024

SPX, BKX, NYA, TLT: Examining Both Sides of the Trade

Last update noted it was bears' ball "for now," and I think we can call that a hit, but today we're going to examine both sides of the trade.

To do that, let's start with BKX:

NYA is in a similar position:

SPX has kept alive "Option a" from a couple updates ago:

Finally, the TLT update I promised on Friday (on the Forum):

In conclusion, because of BKX and NYA, we can no longer be 100% certain that it's still bears' ball (I anticipated this potential, which is why I included "for now" in the statement last update).  That said, it feels like bears may have more in the tank (perhaps after a bigger bounce), but this market hasn't been kind to "feelings" for a while, so take that with a grain of salt and we'll let the charts lead where they may.  Trade safe.

Friday, April 12, 2024

SPX, INDU, BKX: Bears' Ball -- for Now

Last update discussed two options for SPX, and it appears that SPX choose the first of those two options:

As discussed on Wednesday, both of those options were ultimately bearish in the event of a break of 5146 -- which means that the "bounce" option was corrective.  Which in turn means that it (the bounce) doesn't need to reach the 5230 threshold -- since corrective waves are not bound by rules, targets can be simply described as "most commonly, here's what happens," but being against the larger trend, corrections can (and often do) fall short.

So, presuming bears hold 5257, we may be witnessing a change of trend that's going to last for more than a minute.  The bull option is that this will go on to form a larger fourth wave (still likely to be of decent size and duration), and then go on to a last hurrah.  Perhaps this is best illustrated by INDU -- though please keep in mind that the fourth wave as drawn on that chart is highly speculative and has been on there since January, so its potential targets will need to be updated as things develop.

The most bearish option is that the last hurrah is already over, as best illustrated by BKX:

In conclusion, Wednesday's break of 5146 is technically significant and implies we may be looking at a developing bear nest, which will lead to a stronger sell-off.  There are still other, undiscussed, bull options, but the first thing bulls would need to do to give those more consideration would be to break above 5257.  Assuming that doesn't happen, then the "Occam's Razor" interpretation is that bears may have the ball for a bit.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

SPX and BKX: "I'll Just Leave This Here"

The market didn't go anywhere since last update, but I have outlined a couple of the "bad news" (for bulls) options on the near-term SPX chart:

Of course, those are not the only two options in the event of a breakdown at 5146, just the two "most obvious" -- the market is sometimes more probabilistic than deterministic, so I almost never entirely write anything off.

Bigger picture, as the internet is fond of saying: "I'll just leave this here."

Not much to add beyond that -- just that if bears can sustain a breakdown at 5146, while it doesn't guarantee (anything, ever), it does at least put bulls on significant notice, at least for the immediate term.  Trade safe.

Monday, April 8, 2024

SPX Update: Four Chords and the Truth

Two interesting charts today, first up is the SPX near-term chart:

As we can see, there are three pretty clear waves down from the recent all-time high, and it's interesting how perfectly that drop tested the upper boundary of the red triangle (which, if nothing else, goes even further to confirm that pattern as the right read).  So the question now is whether that's it for the correction, since there are enough waves down for a completed correction.

Next, is the bigger picture SPX chart, which captured its February upside target:

So, if we put these two charts together, we can see that there are enough waves for a completed correction (the bear option might be a bear nest or similar) -- however, in the event bulls do manage a new all-time-high, they do have blue overhead resistance with which to contend.  Trade safe.

Friday, April 5, 2024

BKX and INDU: Objects in Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear

The market took a dive yesterday, after shocking comments by Minneapolis Fed Bank President Neel Kashkari, in which he finally publicly apologized for the fact that his parents apparently had no idea how to spell "Neil."  He also mentioned that while he originally had two rate cuts "penciled in" for 2024, he just realized that he actually has a doctor's appointment on that exact same day, so he might be forced to reschedule those rate cuts for 2025.  Or beyond, if bulls won't stop leaving annoying messages on his voicemail.  

Of course, the market has been banking on a return to "nOrMaLCy!!!!" which, to the market, apparently means ridiculously low interest rates and the printing presses spewing endless free money.  The market, of course, ignores the fact that the environment of the prior ~15 years was anything but "normal" and that rates were instead insanely low for insanely long, and QE Infinity is unsustainable.

As I wrote a while ago, though, this market has been suffering from an extreme case of "irrational exuberance," so Kashkari's comments serve as yet another potential wake-up call.  Thing is, wake-up calls have been ringing out all over for a while, but the market hasn't cared -- so we'll see if the "irrational exuberance" psychology finally starts to shift a bit, or if the market goes back to fueling itself primarily on the sweet sweat of its own drunken euphoria.

My guess is that when the market finally wakes up for real, it's going to get ugly beyond belief.

But we may not be quite there yet, and another high, even if we correct further in the near-term, is not out of the question.  Let's look at two long-term charts for clues, starting with BKX:

BKX is probably the most potentially bearish chart going right now in the big picture, though here again, another high is not out of the question as (C)/(3) could still be unfolding.  Without even labeling it, we can see that the decline from the most recent high is only three waves down so far.  If it becomes impulsive, then bears might be coming out of hibernation.

INDU is interesting as well, though here again, it's unclear if (iii) -- if that's what this is -- is complete. 

In conclusion, while bears don't have a lot to sink their teeth into yet, since there's not been an impulsive turn, there are ongoing hints that we're not in "a new paradigm" and stocks have not "reached a permanently high plateau."  We'll keep watching to see if there's already a turn underway, or if bulls can manage another high before the cliff starts to crumble.  Trade safe.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

SPX Update: Triangle Confirmed, and What That Means

Yesterday, SPX confirmed the near-term triangle count (as well as any hypothesis is confirmed by the materialization of a predicted outcome, anyway) by revisiting the upper edge of the triangle zone:

So, without getting too far ahead of the market, what we have for certain is a confirmed triangle, and triangles are typically the penultimate wave of the larger wave in which they reside (i.e.- the fourth wave of that larger wave).  This in turn suggests that a larger wave completed at the most recent all time high -- however, since we don't have an impulsive decline yet, we (in actuality) don't know how much correction the market wants.  The most bullish case is that the correction is already over/almost over, while the most bearish case is limited only by our imaginations.  Problem is, it's too early to qualify as much more than highly speculative, so we should probably just wait to see whether the market forms a larger impulse or not before speculating too much.  That said, IF it goes on to form a larger impulse, then there's potential for a decent correction; if it doesn't, then business as usual will continue.  Trade safe.

Monday, April 1, 2024

SPX and INDU: Ape Wrill Fullz Day

Last update discussed that bears had work to do if they wanted to get anything going -- specifically, that they would first need to break below the blue trend line on the near-term SPX chart:

Typical of bears, though, they decided to knock off early for Easter weekend and thus failed to accomplish anything at all, allowing bulls to score another easy first down.  It's worth noting that the blue trend line will not be as important heading into today's session.

Bigger picture, the blue bull count and the (still ultimately bullish) diagonal remain the leaders, for now, with the black bear option probably placing as a distant third:

Assuming my assessment of those odds is correct, we can see on the chart that bears might have to wait quite a while before getting much beyond some near-term moves, as I've discussed before.  So, as I've also written before, bears probably want to await an impulsive decline before getting too far ahead of the market.  Bull markets can be somewhat boring, since the basic rule is just "follow the trend," but we'll continue to keep our eyes peeled for any interesting developments, nonetheless.  Trade safe.