
Wednesday, July 19, 2023


As I listen to the wind and rain of Tropical Storm Calvinist whipping around outside, I'm to the point with this market where I was actually hoping NYA had broken above its key level, just so I could write about something new.  But alas, not yet.  

After roughly doubling the prices of everything over the past two years (anecdotally if not "officially"), June inflation suddenly came in at manageable levels, implying that the Fed's interest rate hikes have been successful.  Hilarious that the politicians who did nothing but create massive inflation are now trying to take credit for the Fed's apparent win.

BKX is unchanged:

And COMPQ has broken above its long-term trend line:

In conclusion, still waiting on NYA to make it official (or not)... and the power just flickered on and off, so I'll end it here.  Trade safe.

Monday, July 17, 2023

NYA Update: How to Solve a Tropical Storm

Just one chart today, since it's the only chart that seems to matter at the moment and nothing much has changed since Friday:

If NYA doesn't clear blue (C), then bears have the go-ahead -- if it does, then there's a straightforward near-term bull option (represented by red "bull: 3") or an annoying and near-term bullish but ultimately bearish option for some type of ending diagonal, which is pretty easy to visualize using the upward-sloping black line and the lowest upward-sloping blue line as rough boundaries.  

In other news, fair warning that Tropical Storm Calvin and Hobbes is projected to slam directly into Hawaii on Wednesday, so on the off-chance things get hairy and/or the power and/or internet goes out, then there may not be an update on Wednesday.  If things do get hairy, my emergency plan is to call the Fed and have them raise interest rates, then call the government and have them run up the highest non-Covid deficit they possibly can despite near-record-low unemployment.  Both I and the market currently feel confident that this will solve everything.  Trade safe.

Friday, July 14, 2023

SPX, NYA, BKX: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (or whatever)

The market continues to defy bears (and reality) and head higher.  Bears haven't run out of real estate just yet, but NYA is getting close, and bears need to show up soon if they want to prevent a breakout:

I haven't updated BKX in a few months, and this seems like a good time to do so:

The SPX "immediate" bear count will come under fire if NYA breaks out:

And the SPX bull count, which would also function as another version of the bear count (with both the bull and bear options being in agreement for a time; see annotation):

In conclusion, still waiting on NYA to either reverse or break out in order to clear the air.  Trade safe.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

SPX, COMPQ, NYA: Party Like It's 2020

So far, nothing much seems to be going for bears, as every decline is bought like it's still 2020 and the market is expecting massive inflation from all the "stimulus."  On Monday, I noted that there was not yet a confirmative impulsive decline, and the market never formed one (and apparently never will again lol).

NYA continues to edge toward its key zone:

COMPQ is still in "back-test" territory:

And SPX is adding that "next wave up."  Whether it will end there or if that will only end up being the midpoint on a larger bull(ish) wave remains to be seen:

In conclusion, still watching NYA as the most significant of the current hurdles, so it's about "do or die" time for the bears.  Trade safe.

Monday, July 10, 2023

SPX, NYA, COMPQ: The Eye of the Storm

Last update concluded:  

[A]s I've stated previously, unless and until NYA breaks out over its blue (C) high, I'm continuing to give bears the benefit of the doubt. While there are several near-term options, if NYA is to hold its key high, then there's just not a lot of room for bulls to run much higher. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but right now, this makes more sense to me than the bull alternative.

On Friday, SPX initially rallied strongly, but it then reversed equally-strongly and gave back all its gains on the day.  This is normally not a bullish development -- which, in essence, means there's no change from Friday's update.  So, I've updated the charts with the latest price action, but as I've outlined several times recently, I continue to favor the bears until proven otherwise -- thus, unless and until the market "proves otherwise" (or, conversely, until such a time as there's a more confirmative reversal), there's still nothing new to say about the charts.


SPX near-term:

SPX intermediate term:

COMPQ very long term:

Trade safe.

Friday, July 7, 2023

SPX, COMPQ, NYA: Hope Springs Eternal

SPX and NYA have both been preliminarily rejected from the lower edges of their respective inflection zones.  As of yet, we do not have an impulse down to confirm anything, but it certainly looks possible that one will develop.

Although it's a hard market to say this in:  I continue to lean toward the bears until proven otherwise.  The question at the micro level is whether they're ready to show up again immediately.  As noted above, it's entirely possible they do, especially given that COMPQ has hit an ancient resistance line:


SPX big picture:

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't disclose that SPX does have multiple near-term options here, even for the broader bear case:

In conclusion, the market is playing for keeps around these levels, and as I've stated previously, unless and until NYA breaks out over its blue (C) high, I'm continuing to give bears the benefit of the doubt.  While there are several near-term options, if NYA is to hold its key high, then there's just not a lot of room for bulls to run much higher.  If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but right now, this makes more sense to me than the bull alternative.  Trade safe.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

SPX, NYA, COMPQ: Second Verse, Same as the First

The market barely moved during Monday's short session, so I'm not going to strain myself trying to think of something new and exciting to say, since there's literally nothing to add to Monday's update.  I have updated the charts with the latest price action, but there's nothing else to do beyond that.

In italics is the same text from Monday's update:

SPX cleared its most recent high on Friday, as did NYA, putting NYA closer to its significant level (blue (C)).

SPX may have cut its last fourth wave a bit short -- though could still form an expanded flat to create a larger fourth wave:

And last but not least, COMPQ is finally back testing the very long-term trend line we've been watching for a year or so:

In conclusion, not much to add to the past few updates. We're still watching 16223 in NYA closely.  I look forward to the day when the market allows me to stop repeating myself,

I look forward to the day when the market allows me to stop repeating myself.

Trade safe.