
Monday, March 24, 2025

INDU, SPX, COMPQ, NYA, Gold: Bulls Still in the Game

Exactly a week ago (and in each update since), I warned bears that it was a good time to start being cautious, and today we'll see why (because I could see a week ago what problems it might create if we got HERE).  Now, the charts took longer than usual tonight (or "this morning" for everyone who doesn't live on an island in the middle of the Pacific) so now I have to rush and hope I don't forget... whaddayacallit... anything.

First up is whatever chart I pull up first:

Looks like I chose INDU's near-term chart, which is a great place to start and build our thesis from.  So we can see on that chart that it appears likely INDU has a bit more rally left in it (if not more than "a bit").

Now, let's look at why this might be an issue for bears:

Next is INDU's very long-term chart, to see if another bull run COULD be justified in the charts -- and it could.  Doesn't mean it WILL -- just that it could.

Next is NYA -- no change to the annotation:

Next is COMPQ:

And finally, SPX:

And then Gold, in response to a reader request:

In conclusion, it's not "over" for bears yet -- but this is really not what they wanted to see here, because this very much keeps bulls in the intermediate game for now.  Trade safe.

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