
Friday, September 6, 2024

SPX and INDU: Put the Weapon Down, Son

Since last update, SPX rallied back into the zone of the blue resistance line and was rejected.  After that, it went on to form something that's best described as opaque garbage.  The annotation below explains the conundrum:

INDU briefly broke its support line, but looks like it's going to whipsaw that directly:

In conclusion, there's not a lot of clarity in these charts, but if I had a gun to my head and had to say something, I'd probably lean toward saying it looks slightly more likely that it may need more downside to form any sort of complete wave.  But that's really only because some hypothetical person is holding a gun to my head.  If I hadn't invented that person, I might not say anything other than "wait and see," so don't hold me to it, I'm under hypothetical duress here!  Have a great weekend and trade safe.

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