
Friday, August 30, 2024

INDU Update: SPX? We Don't Need No Stinkin' SPX

Last update projected that INDU would need at least one more fourth wave correction, followed by another wave up to new all-time highs, and that has since happened:

As the chart notes, it's getting trickier now, which stinks because I won't be able to devote as much time to goofy jokes, since the market will become less predictable and there will now be fewer updates that say "no real change" and that allow me to reprint the same charts but with smiley-face stickers on them.

It's also getting tricky at long-term scale now, as the market appears to finally be approaching an inflection point that has significant and real MAJOR top potential:

In conclusion, the odds probably slightly favor one more 4/5 unwind still left, but I wouldn't bet the farm on that, especially since we're getting into the ballpark of a MAJOR (yes, I'm capitalizing it again) inflection zone.  Don't forget Monday is Labor Day, so the market is closed because it's disruptive to have traders going into labor right in the middle of the exchange floor.  Trade safe.

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