Articles of Interest

Monday, June 4, 2012

Temporary Publishing Schedule

As many of you are already aware, my father is quite ill and I have traveled cross-country to be with him during this difficult time.

(Since I live in Maui, everything is cross country -- it's as far from Maui to L.A. as it is from L.A. to New York.  Fun Fact:  Hawai'i is the most geographically-isolated population center on the entire planet.)

Thus, for family reasons, I will be sticking to a lighter schedule this week and next week.  My intention is to try to publish a mid-week update (Wednesday), a Friday update, and a weekend update geared toward next Monday's trading session.  The schedule will be the same the following week (6/10-6/17).  After that, barring some unforeseen event that lengthens my stay, I'll return to the usual daily updates.  And if I find myself with some free time in the evenings, I may even sneak in a few extra charts in-between.
Please keep in mind that this schedule represents "the best laid plans," and is subject to interruption by more pressing matters. 

For some reason, I actually feel guilty about this schedule!  I looked it up, more for my own curiousity than anything, and realized I haven't missed a single daily market update in approximately the last 220 trading sessions -- so I've decided to let myself slide this one time, given the gravity of the situation. 

The intra-day and after-hours market discussion forums will remain open for our lively and intelligent community members to continue posting their thoughts, projections, and observations.  If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to join us.  I'm certain I'll still be dropping in from time to time as well, even during this temporarily-adjusted schedule. 

If you have not yet registered on the boards, please read the New Member Requirements.  I'm very set on maintaining a pleasant and collegial atmosphere in the forums, and establishing some basic screening requirements appears to be the only way to accomplish that goal.

In any case, I will return with a new update for Wednesday's session.  In the meantime, as always (you already know what I'm going to say here):  Trade safe!   :)


  1. Pretzelman, illness never chooses a "good" time to impose on a family.  We will all miss you and be wishing you well on your stressful journey.  Prayers for your father and your speedy return, oh master of the waves!  -Kurt

  2. PL, I am so very sorry to hear. My best wishes to you all. Nothing is more important than family. The markets will move on, we will hold our grounds and are with you in our thoughts and prayers. Take good care and don't worry about the updates. It's time to focus on other things right now is what life is telling you. Best, arnie

  3. PL, I was completely out of the markets from last September thru this past February tending to my seriously ill father. I hope your path and his in the coming weeks is as smooth sailing as possible. We will all keep you and family in our thoughts and prayers...

  4. Here is wishing your father the best of luck. A wish and prayer is the only thing I can do from a distance

  5. Hi PL, Hope your father gets better soon. All the best.

