Articles of Interest

Monday, May 7, 2012

SPX, Oil, RUT, INDU, US Dollar Updates: Market Entering Dangerous Waters

The market is entering dangerous waters, and there are several indices now at critical support levels. It appears likely that the market is in the early stages of an intermediate trend change. 

It's been challenging lately, with the market looking bearish one day and bullish the next, but such is the nature of trading ranges.  As I've said before, until it breaks one way or another, it's not necessarily advisable to get too attached to a position.  I suspect a trend change is starting, but I'm not yet married to that view, until it confirms.  It also bears mention that this type of market, which is "headed to the moon!" one day and "crashing to the ground" the next, is characteristic of a top.

The bearish trade trigger of 21 points (a break of 1394 targeted 1373) mentioned on Thursday, was easily captured on Friday.  This is as painless as trade triggers get, since this trade took virtually zero drawdown.  There are more trade triggers setting up now across several markets.  Before we get too into the short-term, I want to examine a few long-term charts in detail.

The charts pretty much tell the story.  First up is a very long-term chart of the New York Composite (NYA).  NYA is holding just above what has been an important pivot many times in the past.  The chart isn't log scale, but the log chart reveals the same key pivot.

The S&P 500 (SPX) also tells a similar story, and is now sitting right on the median channel line of the uptrend off the March '09 lows (black dotted line).  It's also sitting on the parallel channel line of the '03 and '09 lows -- which "just happens" to match the trendline connecting the 2000 and 2011 highs (red line).  Both the black channel median line and the aforementioned red trendline are important to the bull case.

The Russell 2000 (RUT) is another market holding just above important support, and has now developed a potential head and shoulders top, just as I speculated it would a month ago.

A study of the RUT weekly candlestick chart may also be revealing.

INDU also sitting on trendchannel support.

Conversely, the dollar looks ready to rally.  This chart has played to perfection since I first published it.  It's important to note that the red b-d trendline (okay, fine -- the trendline is blue, the "b" and "d" are red) needs to be broken for first confirmation.  The blue wave-a high needs to be broken for final confirmation.

Oil continues to look bearish, as mentioned on April 4.  The next target for oil is 91-92.

The bearish SPX count is looking decidedly more probable.  It's important to remember that 1357 needs to be broken to confirm.  The chart below shows the next bearish trade trigger, which could be considered to have triggered on Friday, however, the "safer" trigger is shown in the chart beneath this one. 

Here's another way to view the bearish trade trigger.  There's a bullish trigger shown too, but is seems so very far away now.  However, nothing's impossible in a range-bound market.  Just as the market showed little support when it fell back into the range (as I warned), there is also little resistance in that range, and the market could race through it again.  I'm sure all it would take is a wink and a nod from dear old Mr. Bernanke (aka - The Beard). 

My best guess at the short-term wave count for SPX is shown below.  The odds do favor a larger bounce developing soon, but, as is the nature of odds, they don't guarantee it.

And finally, the short-term view of the INDU.  This chart shows a potential head and shoulders in development, to go along with the SPX and RUT.  The alternate count shown here is still technically possible, but seems lower probability.  It is shown largely because the impulse wave lower has not quite confirmed yet.

In conclusion, the market is very close to confirming an intermediate trend change, but has not quite done so.  The preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that it will confirm soon enough.  Of course, we've seen this movie before.  The good news is that there's plenty of key support levels which have entered the picture, and which should keep us pointed in the right direction.  Trade safe.


  1. Morning PL - great work. Appreciate the effort it takes to get it done. 

  2. Hi PL, wish we could fill that gap early and clear the way for more down

  3. Clayton, hope this can help in some way. You need to be aware of IT direction, but also ST direction if you trade ES. IT direction is down, look at that oscillator. But. . . .

  4. Not so long ago they were making very bullish projections...

  5.  dollar dropping, careful with shorts
    lookin for at least a gap fill (61.50 es)

  6. Quite an analysis. Eight charts! I like the first one on the $NYA. 


  7. Thanks Katzo,  I take it you use the 60 min W%R as a general litmus test before you go short, avoiding both flat and rising.

    I think it would be safe to say that there is little method to my madness right now as I am searching for a method.  The only things I know I am doing right is that 1. I am always putting a stop in (~2.25 ES) for every position and 2. I am staying with a single ES contract.I'm certainly not doing well, but I'm not breaking the bank either, overall in ES I've been flat or a little down which I'm chalking up to education.As for charts, I haven't been marking them up so there isn't really anything to post.  Timeframe wise, 3, 5, and 15 minutes charts with Full stochastics, RSI(14,70,30), and MACD(12,26,9,EMA)  frankly I am getting a bit of information overload and having a hard time seeing the forest through the trees.

    I know you have more than enough to do with your own trading and don't need to be taking time out to school me, but I do greatly appreciate the time you are taking.  If there is a book/website you'd recommend reading to build up a basis of a method I'll certainly read it.  already have read F&P once through, and have started on "The disciplined trader" by Mark Douglas.

    Semper Fi

  8. Best training is right here with PLs and my real time analysis. Pair your charts (or observe yours) with what has changed when a transition is announced and occurs. . . .

  9. Thanks.  Umm... 11 charts.  :)

  10. As I attempted to stress, and am still attempting to stress -- until the trading range breaks, don't get too attached to either outcome.

  11. Just to explain my process or analysis, I use EWs first and foremost. Then I use MACD, stochs, W%R, and GET [strength] Oscillators. I use GANN, regression trend channels, Andrews Pitchfork, fibs and fib circles, and a 20/50 MA for a check & balance. I use candle recognition but 'the' indicator candle might occur on a time frame I am not watching Other than EWs, no one indicator will work all of the time; I have to switch both time frames and reliance on the importance of an indicator depending where we are in the run. I wish it was that simple where all you had to follow was a W%R and an EW; it is not.

    If a good EW3 is established I define the tgt and switch to a longer time frame to avoid the noise. When we are near the tgt I switch back to lower time frame to discern a point of transition. It is like shifting gears in a sports car. As the mrkt switches in ST & IT moves, the analysis has to switch too.

  12. Bernanke Math again. lol.

    "One. Two. Five!"

    "Three, Sir."

  13. oh is that all  :)

    if it was single indicator simple then everyone would be doing it, and if everyone were doing it, it wouldn't be effective so it couldn't be that simple...

    FYI: RUT futures (/TF)  already filled the gap from yesterday

  14. Don't worry PL...I'm st-t-t-ress-s-ed...Kidding of course.
    Most excellent work of today's article...really clear where we are (on the knife's edge). Thanks for doing such a great job putting together useful info in an easy to read and understand format...Not enough sarcasm today though. Us Philly boys always appreciate sarcasm :)

  15. I thought this was appropriate...

  16.  I counted PLs charts and I got 12? Must be an EW site, everyone has a different count. LOLOL

  17. congrats to those who bought /ES in the low 1340's while bears everywhere were hyperventilating last night -- It is EARLY in the bear game - waves need to build - we can't even guarantee some indices might not go to new highs at this point

  18. Good one LOL

  19. 2 es points away from a gap fill. . . 

  20. I noticed that...$RUT is there

  21. $MID setting up beautiful H&S as well... GM peeps

  22.  thanks all the info K7 and PL..  i'm studying the different gaps  and  i'm more confused than ever :) 
       Is a  gap fill just the  keys for it to turn cleanly or will a gap fill continue in direction to finish the EW count.   Trend direction, EW, time frames are stalling my brain as im waiting for the dang pot of coffee to finish brewing!  lol

  23.  EMD for time travelers like myself.

  24. IMO gaps always fill. If they fill immediately the mrkt usually reverses that direction. But  have seen them keep on going in same direction. We are at the opening; openings tend to be bullish for at least the first 1/2 hour in a bear move  Potentially they could draw in some bulls. All depends on if more ppl are buying or selling to set the ST direction. I thnk still down.

  25. feel free to ask questions Clayton. . .

  26. gap fill almost there...

  27. agree w/ the gap thesis.  the fact we had gaps near the highs on spx still out there was ONE of the reasons I wasn't very near term bearish until they filled. filling this ES gap this morning is good for the bears, but counter intuitive to most bears who saw the move overnight here in US and were undoubtedly salivating.

  28. and this is what everyone thinks about everyone else's count!

  29. gap filled done? By the way, sorry to trouble you about my question on ERF. You said it is about to break out, I presume it is to the upside, what should I look for in the chart? Thanks

  30. Something filled right up in the second 5-minute frame this morning.

  31. I'm always a bit amazed at how a simple strategy can make so much money. If you entered the backfill at ES 1350 and take profit at 1364, that's 14 easy points!!


  32. Contrary to myth, shortage of sleep does that a toll.

  33. That's a great orientation! Thanks.

  34.  looking for 67.25 or .50, then will reevaluate.

    Said IMO gaps always fill. If they fill immediately the mrkt usually reverses
    that direction. But  have seen them keep on going in same direction. We
    are at the opening; openings tend to be bullish for at least the first
    1/2 hour in a bear move.  Potentially they could draw in some bulls. All
    depends on if more ppl are buying or selling to set the ST direction. I
    think still down [by EOD but might reevaluate as nothing is clear].

  35. . . .  just to clarify, gap fill done but UP not done. . .

  36.  perhaps a quick trip to 67. 75 then down, above that level and pushes out any ST down til much later in the day

  37. Thanks Katzo, really appreciate your quick feedback.

  38. SPX could be winding up to tank on a solid break of 1364.

  39. Short SPX at 1364.25

  40. short es 60.75 SL 63

    Katzo here is a screenshot of what I have setup ES/60 

    what I observed:
    macd is on the decline
    W%R decline
    elliot oscillator isn't telling me much on the ES/60 but on the 5 it took a sharp decline
    twin pipes on the candles

    I don't have GANN  in think or swim, is there an equivalent you are ware of?

    anything I'm missing?

  41.  GLD down .50%, GDX down 1.75%, SLV down 1.77%, OIH down 1.24%, USO down 2%.
    I cautioned ppl about these trades over the weekend after reading that GDX and GLD were being hyped.

  42. The voice of reason. That is why I keep reading your blog. The other reason is that you have a Windows Phone. :)

  43. stopped out to cover  at 63.25

  44.  Other than the MACD rising which is fighting any short, what you say is okay. The histogram needs to have a few more bars on it to be sure tho. I do not know TOS platform.

  45. Added 1 at 63, I will not let this get much higher tho.

  46. Short ES @ 1363.25, stops @ 1365.50

  47. Hmm... really don't want to see much more upside here, or it could launch upwards.  No solid break of SPX 1364 yet = no down?

  48. SPX regained almost all of its loss in the futures maket, Warren Buffet put?

  49. Potential inverted head and shoulders on SPX 1-minute.

  50. What is the ES/SPX differential now?

  51.  out, we have a megaphone (expanding triangle) on the 5 minuts, until that is cleared up IMO on VST trades warranted

  52. one to two points, it is varying

  53.  shrt 65, I am gunna play the megaphone, VST trades

  54. If can break above 65.5 next, can go to 71, IMO. -DD

  55. I'm watching for a fairly strong move down in ES/SPY in the next half hour. That would suggest to me that larger traders are long and looking to take off some profit as they lighten up for lunch.

  56. disqus is finally back..

    missed the megaphone and inverted H&S call..  should've punched out when it went north of 64.5 but I'm still sitting short es at 63 with SL at 66.5....  hold'n out to see

  57. ugh.  slept through my alarm.  looks like I missed... nothing at all

  58. Anyone got a read?  volume seems very light.

  59.  Price is truth, not volume.

  60. Quote of the day: "Merkozy is all stick and no carrot." - a  MSNBC expert commentator. :)

  61. I agree, but it does seem curious to me after a 50 point drop in a week, near major support, and little volume.  Looks like most of the volume happened friday at these levels.  One could argue we've run out of buyers for this dip... (at least until the momentum traders jump in) if so, what's the bears excuse?

  62. She ain't much of a stick, maybe if she had more carrots and less weinerschnitzels?

  63. there is my 67.5 after some weird moves. my VST trades too fast to record and disgust was down.

  64. pennant on 15 min equity futures charts broker to upside. let's see if we backtest 65 & then up

  65. Are we basically at (4) on PL's short term wave count for SPX  (the 10th chart in the post)?

  66. Chalk another one up to learning!  :)  I've been literally on the wrong side of everything today, late to enter and late to leave...  (~10 ES pts down...  ouch!)

    definitely overtrading and definitely not reading the signals right...  I'll get there eventually...

    would love to see one of those low risk "katzo" entries...  :)

  67. You're not alone.

  68. I'll see what I can find. This is not uncommon after the big move on Friday and even the o/n stuff that it basically goes sideways and is a challenge to trade.

  69. DOW ED count ??

  70. misery loves company!  :)

  71. thanks Katzo, you're a huge help in navigating these troubled waters...  It seems I picked a very hard to time start trading, where things don't make a whole lot of sense and whipsaws are a daily occurrence...  As I see it, if you can survive this environment "normal" markets should be relatively easy!  :)

  72. Well, hello world! I just took a good look at PL's first chart with the scene of the crime and the pot at the end of that NYA bubble rainbow. What an address, from 77th St. down to 27th St.! Kind of like going down 10 floors into the vault at a certain bank. Deeeeeep underground. 
    At least we know, theoretically, how to make money on it. That, in my opinion, is why God invented tobogganing.

  73. maybe completed / close to completing first impulse up

  74. Fair warning to anyone holding shorts in SPX (et al). I just saw a chance to unload some SSO that I foolishly bought last week at breakeven + commissions so I took it. That likely means it will go straight to the moon.

  75. Futures seem out of touch with reality right now.  Or is it the cash market that's out of touch?  In the Russell, futures are up by double what the cash market is.  And in the S&P the futures are up about 170% of the amount that the cash is up.  No doubt a lot of the disparity is due to the fact that the futures market and the cash market don't close at the same time, but still this is quite a glaring difference.  What a wonderful tool for manipulators that is, that those two markets use slightly different times of day from which to start their measurements.

  76. always periods of rest after a big move

  77. these are my thoughts, if we really are commencing with a bear mrkt we should screw around for most of the day, then sell off at EOD. Question is when will this selling start.

  78. Haven't done anything today been watching RUT and it is looking more and more like the ABCD, weak E scenario is playing out. So the question for me to get answered is whether or not a EW 1 to 2 can have an ABCD expanding triangle that will end with E making its own contracting triangle...... And I left my book at home this morning, Daddy's lil helper was helping a lot today.....

  79. Added to short SPX at 1372

  80. truerangeballisticMay 7, 2012 at 8:32 AM

    I have been watching that divergence all day. Seems like the futures market is keeping the cash afloat. I don't track this like I should so I don't fully understand the implications. Maybe you could help me there AR. Thanks again.

  81. truerangeballisticMay 7, 2012 at 8:35 AM

    DRG did another BCS 815/820 for expiration this week at a 50 cent credit. Still unfilled I think but I think we see a turn here late today. This was a similar trade I put on last week. Best of trades to you. This is far from trading advice as well. Just my opinion. I always value your input.

  82. My apologies TRB but I don't follow it very closely either.  I had just opened a page showing the futures out of curiosity and noticed the big divergence.  I don't know what it means to be honest.  I don't know if futures traders are actually expecting higher prices from the cash market or if the cash market just doesn't care what the futures are saying and have decided to head lower anyway.  One way or another that disparity should tighten up somewhat.

  83. short ES at 68 SL at 70.25  

    I'm remembering that scene from Dune (the original) where they are being taught how to break stone with sound...  and the guy emphatically yells "BREAK" at the stone out of frustration...  :)

  84. everyone always wonders why -- if you own SPY you get dividends

  85. Not everyone can learn the weirding way. ;-) ,,,DD

  86. i've got a confirmed 5 waves up off the open...suggesting any pullback can be bought ST

  87. truerangeballisticMay 7, 2012 at 8:46 AM

    Ahhhh but you need the weirding module and some spice. Always beware of Baron Harkonnen Bernank.

  88. Same here.  I'd made up my mind that I was going to hold my positions no matter what the markets did this morning so I was happy to ignore the alarm and catch up on a bit of badly needed sleep.  4 hrs. a night is about all I need to function pretty well but a re-charge feels pretty good once in a while too.

  89. I threw some fibs on $RUT Cash for S&G...looks right, but I definitely need some direction with the fan...Bueller...Bueller.

  90. A market breaking down wouldn't have let you out breakeven... i don't think i've noticed a single proposed long trade on this board in 48 hours.  When everyone is on the same side of the market...........

  91. Oscillators resetting (30min) for possible sell-off into EOD

  92. Here in Texas people call ski caps "toboggans". Makes me laugh every time.

  93. a break of 67 should provide some 'katzos'

  94. LOL PL needs to put up a list of new definition for newcomers, "katzo" and "blimbo waves" need to be included

  95. truerangeballisticMay 7, 2012 at 9:14 AM

    One thing that has me wondering is the strength in the $TRAN today AR. I has been stubborn and stuck in a range. For a while it looked fairly weak but has not followed thru. Do you have any observations on this? Thanks again for your time.

  96. ...that usually means it's ready to turn. (Markets bottom when there are no more uncommitted sellers to be found and top out when all buyers are all in.)

    But I'm in still complete agreement with you there. That was a dumbass impulse trade on my part even if it should happen to end up working and I'm pleased as punch to have gotten out of it unscathed. 

  97.  Don't forget the Calvin pattern.

  98. New Democracy Unable To Form Government, Anti-Bailout Parties Now Get
    Opportunity To Eject Greece From Euro.....

  99. I hoping to see some cascading katzos

  100. the Constanza count - the WTF count

  101. When is this market going to break down so we can end the day flat?

  102. Sounds like Greek tacos. $-)

  103. are we running out of time for some katzos today??

  104. wow must be a special day today, you usually stay away from the last half hour. What are you looking at? and target?

  105. I don't have the nerve to offer my longs. I pick and choose them on a short term basis (2 weeks tops) in order to A) pick up their cap gain heading into the ex-div date, or B) pick up the div if plan B doesn't work. Boring, unimaginative, no EWT involved, but it maintains a steady cash flow in months like this one (crowded with lots of div choices). 

  106. h&s forming in ES and SPX on  5min chart

  107. You want fries with that?

  108. I know, I am usually flat at this time. Looking for whatever I can get and will be out by 4:10 pm I think. . .

  109. [ -queue the cheezy music with lots of drumming- ]

  110. It's showtime!! Bring out the firework!

  111. don't trade on an empty stomach there franny

  112. One nice katzo coming up!

  113. Love this kind of ending...

  114. Said these are my thoughts, if we really are commencing with a bear mrkt we
    should screw around for most of the day, then sell off at EOD

    this seems to be the mode, right after notable down days draw in the bulls and hang them out to dry with a good sell off EOD.

  115. looks to be a down day tomorrow, at least at this point

  116. Another quote of the day: "Yahoo's board is weighing what to do about Scott Thompson enhancing his resume." - msnbc

    "Enhancing" my foot, can they not say "doctoring"? :)

  117. On this type of day it always usually, how is that for an oxymoron, rises from 3:55 to 4 pm, then drops right after 4 pm

  118. sell em you mo fos, lol

  119. SPX not exactly flat, but I'll take it. :)

  120. Spot on!! High Five! By the way, do you think it is better to buy before or after earnings for CEL? Just to let you know I bought some ERF at 17.48 today, of course it then went on to drop to 17.28 haha again my WWWCI kicks in. Interesting is that it actually closed above my bought price. Was that a wave 5 on ERF? now it's time to rumble??

  121. waiting for another katzo if we break 64...

  122.  covered 68 >> 64.5

  123. buy CEL on break of neutral line.
    I will look at ERF

  124.  no, read what I said about timing

  125. Thanks a lot. When  you said neutral line, you mean????MACD???

  126. Congrats K7 on your store opening.

  127. Lots of ABCs today, day after big down move is mrkt thinking, resting, indecisive. Tomorrow we head down again. Here is something about VST timing, see how it worked out? Gotta know the dynamics of various days, this was a day I am very familiar with. BTW I never trade off of a 1 minute chart, this is just for illustration purposes.

  128. LOL, you guys crack me up, and this is coming from an ERB.

  129. Yes, some call it the zero line, MACD

  130. thanks katzo, I take it that is because a lot of the shorts cover that last 5 mins?  it took a little bite out of the move, out at 65.5.  made up some of the lost ground which was nice...  thanks again

  131. TVIX closes at 6.66
    Well if that's not a warm and fuzzy...LOL

  132. this is  day's pattern I recognized

  133. PL, great work you do!!

    A lot of references to head & shoulders patterns today. As far as I know,  Edwards & McGee were the first to identify this set-up (in their seminal work "Technical Analysis of Stock Trends"). However, in addition to price forming the requisite pattern, they indicate that volume is key to identifying a true head and shoulders pattern. Specifically:1) Volume should be very heavy as the peak of left shoulder (LS) is sketched out, and should decline as price recedes from the high of the  LS, 2) The head should be forged on another high volume advance, but volume should again recede into the correction off the top of the head,3) The right shoulder should be accompanied by lighter volume than was evident as the LS or the head was taking shape

    Given these requirements, which the authors deem "essential" to the identification of a "true head and shoulders pattern", it seems to me that labeling the long-term developments in the NYSE Composite as a head and shoulders pattern is a stretch (as volume did not contract following the peaks of the LS and head). Probably a bit tougher to assess volume swings in shorter-term/intra-day charts, so I am not (necessarily) taking exception to the labeling of the lower degree patterns, however, I am very curious about why you are diagnosing the long-term NYA pattern as such.

    Thx in advance for your attn to this inquiry!

  134. this should do some dropping from 4:30 on nothing major but if I am seeing this correctly, some steady selling. . . 

  135. You're a good ERB...always appreciated. :)

  136.  yes, es shorts covering

  137. I put in a buy order for one share at $6.66 just cause...

  138. You down with ED/LD??  1,2,3 -- 1,2,3 -- 1,2,3 ... chopping of accounts

  139.  AMZN may be set to move up, tgt 237, may move against mrkt
    CMG ready to fall more
    AZO less clear than CMG but may be set up for next fall
    GS less clear but headed for 80 to 90 eventually, with mrkt
    V & MA damaged
    TICC I mentioned up 2.35%

  140.  Liking the TICC...good call on that one...and excellent for the goals you mentioned. TY

  141. Actually, I am still an anxious long. Though I was sure that I would get stopped out this morning (by price action south of the April 22nd high)--didn't happen; not yet anyway.

  142. It's the principle of the thing LOL

  143. PL, is the sell trigger triggered today with a touch of 1363.94, or does it have to close below that level for it to trigger?

  144. Seems reasonable to me...a first wave leading diagonal  with an ending diagonal in the wave 5 (of 1) position (a triangle can only occur at waves 1 or 5--or C, but not 2)...PL & Katzo might provide a more definitive answer though.

  145. PL,

    I saw that you were asking about TSI last night. With all due caveats regarding the sheer foolhardiness of taking any sort of trading advice from a rank newb such as myself, I'm happy to share what I've learned. I guess I know like 4 or 5 ways to use it.

    True Strength Index (TSI) was originally conceived by William Blau as a momentum indicator, so one way to use it is to simply buy when it turns up, sell when it flattens out turns down (and vice versa). I've mostly found that to be a great way to get whipsawed. But I ran across a suggestion on another blog to draw trend lines on the TSI graph and exit or reverse on trend line breaks, and this appears to be a pretty workable enhancement to the purist approach. No idea whether the credit for that goes to TSI Trader or Blau.

    Blau also added a zero line and a 7- to 9-period EMA to TSI and dubbed it an "Ergodic Oscillator". In this configuration I believe the idea is that you can make an aggressive entry on a TSI-signal line crossover or a more conservative entry on a TSI-zero line crossing and then exit upon crossing the signal line in the opposite direction -- basically the same trading rules as for MACD. This seems to work pretty well.

    Like MACD, TSI is an unbounded oscillator and the two look quite similar when they're tuned similarly and directional divergence on a TSI graph versus the trend
    in the price line can give you advance warning of possible trend
    changes. The principle advantages I see for TSI are that it responds a little more quickly on the turns and that it tends to distribute itself more uniformly above and below the zero line. The latter makes it more usable as an Overbought/Oversold indicator.

    I don't know if Mr. Blau would concur but TSI values above 25 or below -25 are popularly considered to be overbought or oversold respectively. In this role it seems to give you pretty much the same signals as a similarly tuned Stochastic oscillator, which would have to  be my next favorite oscillator so far.

    Attached are some annotated screen shots. On my charts, the heavier purple line is the primary TSI, the thinner magenta line is an EMA signal line for the purple line. The Blue line is a second TSI tuned to a longer time frame which I use as a confirming signal and/or a trend indicator (stole the idea from some youTube videos I ran across).

  146.  Slow trading day?  LOL.

  147. I remember this is not the first time it closed at 6.66....maybe i am just getting senile

  148. Sneak preview of AAPL's share price. ;)

  149. A lot of H&S patterns are not the real deal as described by E&M. You have been very perspicacious William in noticing the data you describe. They also require that the preceding advance should be extensive, so for example the month advance in the Dow doesn't meet that requirement even though it looks s great H&S. It isn't. By their definition. Some even see H&S on minute or hourly charts which is odd to say the least. When these fail as they inevitably do they are called, what else- 'failed head and shoulders'. But actually they were never H&S to start with. I agree with you :) 

  150. OK, I have to ask.  What would make you see a stock with a PE of 190 and a PEG Ratio over 6 moving up another 5%?

  151. SPX fell to 1347 and INDU to 12835 in overnight/earlyday markets SS if that helps.. ;)

  152. Not really.  As you said, it's stuck in a range.  Looks like it's forming a symmetrical triangle which really could break either way.  And when that happens, the moving averages and momentum indicators all more or less just go flat too.  So there's no guidance from the trannies that I can see.

  153. 120 points for the use of perspicacious in a sentence. 

  154. Thx, UKDNY!!

  155. VST = very short term?

  156. CAT looks like a ST juicy long

  157. more. ERB?? ever have trouble typing and editing comments here? I don't know if it's because of my iPad, but disqus freezes me out a lot. I tried to as the ERB question along with VST...but it froze me out.

    Thanks again, Sir Katzo.

  158. I kinda wish I had the foresight that you do.  I'm taking a real beating with my AAPL share.  Bought it at $638 so at least I'm not one of those fools who "bought at the top".  The top was at $644.  But I thought the idea was to ride it to $1000.  That's what Jim Cramer said to do.  So far I'm down almost 15%.  When I throw in the commissions I'm down about 30% so I should probably start looking for a broker with better rates too  :-)

  159. yeah, Disgust froze up around 11 to 11:30 am. It does that. No trouble typing or editing tho.
    ERB is a nickname someone (was it DirtRockGuy?) gave me, means Emotionless Robot Bastard, because my mainframe does not need to sleep, it just charts 24/7.

  160.  You did not read me on AAPL A Rock? Perfect calls for six months, both up and down. It is sleeping now, no advantage either way at this point.

    The troll blog cannot shake its history, even more have showed up. Not going back there. Sad.

  161. wow what was that about? another ghost spike? Can't really see the price though

  162. this proposed 2 flat level on the dollar is going to be a very key level

  163. Hi CalD. thanks for sharing. For some reason I don't see much difference between TSI & MACD as you do. you mentioned TSI being more responsive-  assume you make the comparison based on the same parameters right? and what are your preferred parameters (for  long/short period)?  TIA

  164. Sorry to hear that AR ,,,, -DD

  165. The AMZN chart I see has it just back under overbought on the RSI, the MACD and Stochs rolling over, and a huge unfilled gap.  What are you seeing different on your chart?  Thanks...

  166. Eeeeeeeyup. Tried to get some machining time in but I took a few breaks.

  167.  ROFLMAO :O

  168. Just the EW configuration, the EW3 showed huge strength so that needs to back off as it goes higher. If mrkt tanks it may affect my call.

  169. Bad ticks are always revisited...  :o

  170. I shorted AMZN on the breakdown of the continuation pennent, long the 230 put at 231, covered today at 223 and went long the 230 call, my upside is a little more conservative than Katzo's at 235 due to OPEX influences.  The breakdown was IMO an ABC 3 to 4 move leaving a five up to come.  At which point it would be ideal to place a long put trade at 220 looking for say 209 and a gap fill.  I intend to use the June contract for such a trade should it materialize.  But like the man said it was the chart that told me to do it.......

  171. Thanks Cal, for taking the time.  My TSI doesn't seem to have these settings.  It has a default setting of 3/9, but only shows one line in the indicator panel.  So I've been looking at it as I might an RSI 14 or similar.  Given the settings I have to work with, I'm not sure it has any additional value over MACD, etc..  That's what made me curious if I might be missing something.

  172. I think the ERB label was handed out by Dust Devil or Rocky Top....... There is an alternative to the ERB which is the usual state of being for Sir Katzo...  That would H ERB stands for Heartless Emotionless Robot Bastard, usually quoted by those who took the other side of the trade against the ERB..... generally because he refuses to give the money back even to his friends.....LOL

  173. One of the best we know....

  174. An important note about sell triggers:  they operate on an active/suspended type basis.  In other words, the trigger is considered "active" when the market is below the line, and "suspended" when it's above it.  Personally, I like to see a few bars print beneath (or above) the trigger before getting too excited about it.  If I take the trade and it whipsaws immediately, I'm quick to close and I'll sometimes set a sell stop beneath the low of the whipsaw, depending on how it looks.  In this particular instance, I got short and closed immediately, as mentioned in real time. 

    It's also important to realize that, technically, the way these types of triggers work is that they operate *against* a certain print high.  In other words, the trigger is only invalidated (in this case) by the market printing new highs above 1415.

  175. You down w/ ED/LD?  Yeah, you know me...

  176. AND he wins the Brunswick Pool Table!

  177. Hi William, thanks and welcome.  :)

    I am not married to the head and shoulders interpretation on NYA, which is why it's got a "?".  The volume noted is actually in reference to (and support of) the triangle (in red), as the declining volume *does* fit the triangle pattern.  I realize now that I deleted the old annotation which described this, so I understand your question.  Originally (the first time I published this chart), I was pointing out the triangle -- and noted the potential head and shoulders more in academic curiousity.

  178. What are you settings?  Default for my software is long 25, short 13, signal ema 8

  179. I've found that the h/s patterns often work on even 1-minute time frames.  It becomes a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy for the market these days.  The traders and algo's use these patterns, so regardless of how E&M originally intended them to be used, I believe the playing field has changed since they first wrote da book.  :)

  180. Yeah, I tried to post some info at that time as well -- couldn't even get to the page.  Stupid Disgust!

  181. NP, NJ. I was hoping you were around since I didn't get a chance to reply to your question the other day. The relative responsiveness of TSI and MACD is not-hit-you-in-the-face different though. On average I'd guess you get your signals maybe one bar earlier with
    TSI, maybe not quite. One bar can be a pretty big difference sometimes

    But it's a little hard to make a direct apples-to-apples comparison since the number mean different things. With MACD the moving averages are used directly by the base formula -- formula being kind of a grandiose term in this case since it's just a simple subtraction. With TSI, the MA's are just used for smoothing the index as a post-process.

    If you set both MA's for MACD to 1 you get a flat line at 0. If you do that with TSI you still get a signal -- it's a scary looking signal but it's a signal (I mean a signal in the textbook sense, not a trade trigger). So TSI is more tweakable and you can season to taste, but that also means any comparison between the two is going to be subject to some amount of subjectivity. Typical default settings for TSI are 20 for the first smoothing, 5 for the second and 5 for the signal line.

    FWIW though, here's a chart comparing a standard 26,12,9 MACD to a 26,7,9 TSI. The curves look almost identical but you may note that most of the trigger line crossovers happen about a bar later on the MACD chart. Also note the slight suggestion of possible bullish diversion on the MACD on the two lobes straddling 15:44 that TSI gets right. And TSI is completely usable with primary averages down to like 6 or 7 if you want to trade faster response for a little more jagginess, have a party.

    Anyway, that's why I keep referring to TSI as a better MACD. The difference between them is like the difference between a gasoline and electric powered car. Under the hood they're wildly different but from the driver's seat, if you know how to drive one, you pretty much know how to drive the other.

  182. I can't find the comment now, but somewhere down the thread, DM posted about five-waves up, suggesting higher prices.  DM, I count 5-waves up too, but I believe that's the c-wave of an expanded flat.

    For everyone else, the "layman's definition":  I think we'll probably see new lows tomorrow.

  183. Playing off the seasonal decline in crude and distillate prices.  Check your crude and gasoline futures charts on a continuation basis since about 1999 there is a tendency to sell off at the end of the April May contract and climb into the July contract.  See the chart I posted a couple of months ago you can see the improvment in my wave counting from then to now

  184. I am gonna wait and position trade the long put trade.  I would be a little leery of "The Beard" and QE jawboning this week with all the posturing out of Europe.  All it would take in this market would be a "You know the FED is always ready to step in.....if necessary to promote stability" comment and off the races we go for at least a couple hours, long enough to run a lot of stops and freak out BCS holders at exactly the strikes you mentioned.  Also, I do not know where a possible E wave would terminate.  See my chart for why I really think an E is in the works.  The confluence of all the prior swing points have gathered at a particular area of the chart.  that means something should happen there that is significant.

  185. Dunno about Fib stuff, but the thrust out of the triangle should target 798, which would also be a C = A target from the closing AB wave if I read it right.
