Articles of Interest

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SPX Update: Was That It?

For several weeks, I've been talking about the Fib zone at 1376-1378 and how I felt that could act as a magnet for the rally.  Yesterday, the SPX hit 1378.04 and reversed.  Could it really have been that simple all along?  There's no way to know for sure yet, but the market has now satisfied the requirements of the preferred count's 5th wave up -- and it may finally be time for the larger correction bears have been waiting for since Santa was in town. 

Even though the market only closed down a handful of points, yesterday had a lot of things going for it to give bears some hope: 

1.  Yesterday formed a bearish engulfing candle in SPX
2.  Commodities took a beating. 
3.  The dollar formed a bullish engulfing candle.
4.  The ECB "anticipation" is over.  Sellers don't have to be scared of it anymore.

There are a couple ways to view the very short term structure, but I'm sticking with the expanding ending diagonal as the preferred count.  This count says the top is in, though it may not be the monster top bears are hoping for -- I'll discuss that big picture outlook in more detail in the final chart.

The wave structure at micro degree is a total mess, so it's also possible this is part of a contracting ending diagonal with one more new high to come.  Below is the alternate short term count.  I like the preferred count better, for the reasons previously mentioned, but the only way to rule out the alternate is with trade beneath 1352.28.  Normally, I'd use the wave (ii) bottom, but the structure's messy enough that I'm allowing leeway for counting errors.

If the alternate short-term count below ends up playing out, it's fairly common for wave (v) to overthrow the upper trendline in a false breakout.  If that happens and it keeps rising, bears should get out of the way -- but if that overthrow happens and the market then breaks back below that upper red trendline (whipsaws), then that's an excellent place to get short with stops at the newest highs.

Now, if the alternate count shown above is invalidated, it does not mean with certainty that the preferred count is correct.  These are not the only two options for this market.  Because of that, I'm recommending that the support and resistance lines on the 10-minute chart below be used as better trade indicators.  Yesterday, the market closed right on trendline support.  Below that, the next important support comes in near the 1352-1355 level, then at 1337 below that.  The blue line is overhead resistance, as are the recent highs.

Finally, the big picture count below.  The preferred view is that wave (iii) is wrapping up, and the market is now entering a fourth wave correction, with another leg up still to come. 

There are two big picture alternate views I'm considering.  The first alternate (shown in gray on the chart below) is that the market is actually now in the process of forming a major intermediate top, and from here would head down to test or break the October lows.  I would give that count maybe 40% odds vs. the preferred big picture view.

The second alternate (not shown -- for the 2nd alternate, see the last chart in this article) is that the market is in the process of forming a very large ending diagonal (c) wave.  In that 2nd alternate scenario, the market would bounce around significantly, but still remain above the October lows for some time. 

Final confirmation of trend change occurs at 1267 SPX.  So the market could conceivably fall 100 points, and still be in a larger uptrend.  It's also important for bears to note the three rising trend lines, which should theoretically act as support -- although neither the blue nor black line have been tested recently.

In conclusion, there are reasonably good odds that we are on the cusp of at least a short-term trend change.  This was the zone we've anticipated for most of the month, and the micro structures now seem to be confiming the larger wave count we've been watching since February 8.  The supporting evidence across other markets is encouraging as well. 

There are no clear invalidation levels right now, but the support zones are pretty clear.  If you didn't get short at the Fib 1376-78 target yesterday, then it's usually advisable to wait for a retrace rally before shorting, since most half-way important tops are retested.  Conversely, one could play off of the support and resistance zones, using them as entry and exit/stop loss points.  Trade safe.

The original article, and many more, can be found at


  1.  Good morning PL. But now you have done it, a fib zone of 76-8? Plz, tell us, it is true or a fib? Inquiring minds need to know. :-)

  2. Morning PL - great post as always. Can't believe how much I have learnt in the last couple of months but especially this year - finally got to stand back a few weeks ago and be patient and just learn a bit more each day. Thanks for the work that you put in.

  3. out of long es at tgt

  4. lol, ohhh, never mind. tired of the violins on tv. . . 

  5. today looks to be an up day, or at least during the mornin', might be choppy from now for a hour of two.

  6. I'm wondering if this is part of an expanded flat, with a and b done, c-up to come.

  7. PL,
    Your concern about positing and weighting alternate counts being a liability is unwarranted. The multi-count approach is instead the major asset of your work, imho. Given the propensity of humans to see and hear self-confirming ideas, the opportunity to view alternatives that would be otherwise invaluable.
    I do also like the idea of publishing the preferred and alternate counts on their own separate chart....distinct images for distinct concepts.
    Sincere thanks for your unique site and excellence of endeavor.

  8. Good Morning PL, awesome post.

    Good luck to everyone!

  9. nice article Pl..  also, i just heard a floor trader i like Jeff Kilburg say a bit ago from CME floor that yesterdays drop ' mini flash crash' was a 'miss click' and sent algorithms  to sell off.  old school term 'fat finger trade'.  i'm sure this doesnt help the chartists very much.. any thoughts? 

  10. yeah, dunno, play short and small and only when a real direction appears. while there is no such thing as a sure thing, my system I have developed over the years has narrowed down the possibilities pretty well as well as the tgts. I only take trades I am pretty sure of. Now, where did my ouija board go?

  11. G'day Mr. Pretzel,

    Glad you're not upset at my stance, and no I wasn't emotional about it either.  I was however wondering why you would be seemingly dismissive about feedback you solicited..  The phrase I've repeated here is just my perseonal manifestation of the disclaimer on the right, and so I'll simply repeat that as often as others repaeat the phrase "not trading advice".

    Nice charting again today.....  oh and I like today's headline better than yesterdays!!!

  12. Great article...REALLY lol...not blowing sunshine up you know where. Easy to read, easy to follow, well-defined conditions, pretty lines on pretty charts...first class all around...I even understood it, so there ya go. Cocked and locked/Condition One...ready for the sweep when the buzzer goes off. :)

  13. $RUT has a spectacular fall of 1.56%; $SPX was down .47%; $DJIA down .41%; $TRAN down .23%. This is what makes this mrkt so hard to follow, nothing is in context. If you remember days back I mentioned that the $TRAN was down much larger than the others, percentage wise. Ideally these should all be in context of each other, roughly. Mrkt dynamics are thinking about what to do, mrkt is always right, but confused at this point. All will ratchet down (or up) at some future point, together. This will provide an all clear sign for longer term plays.

  14. $RUT just makes me crazy...I dated a lot of crazy...I think that's what draws me to it. :)

  15. It was probably an intentional fat finger mistake to take out all of the stops before taking the market back up again today.

  16. No Island Reversal in AAPL yet.

  17. look at my chart, the set up was there before the fall AND well before any fat finger could be blamed, charts precede explanations of events, usually. a catastrophic event WILL displace chart tho

  18. Excellent and very clear article today.  Thank you, PL.

  19. Out of my long from yesterday at 67.50 - 60.50 = +7

  20. Prechter has it, as I heard. Shorting gold for a while with a stop at 1790... Then the sp short since a LONG while with the stop at yesteryears top... he is really giving EW a bad name. Cannot help it. But maybe I do not get to know his good calls.

  21. thanks Katzo, u r definitely are on top of it.   he was pointing out the actual trade that he is referring to but i didnt catch it. 

  22.  Most excellent :)

  23. Here's a link to an article that has info about what Lena_W3 referred to on last thread @ bundesbank losing patience with ECB 'ECB loans alarm Bundesbank' link inside or scroll to 8:18am entry: 

  24. Eur has gone from 1.3480-ish yesterday to now below 1.33, to 1.3295 this a.m.  That is a HUGE move for a ccy.  Not sure I buy the whole 'fat finger' explanation.  I think some asset manager just wanted out and his trader did it in a clumsy way, or he/she panicked and just ordered the trader to 'get out now'.

  25. chart posted 2/25, very clear channel.

  26. He called the top in 2008 and then the bottom in 2009. No one is always right. If it wasn't for him, you'd probably not be aware of EW.

  27. good points.  im not an expert in 'flash crashes'.  in fact the last big one was the day i moved my 401k into a brokerage account and opened a scottrade account :)  while on the topic of nightmares,, maybe if you ever get stumped for an article idea PL, one could be on Volume and downside momentum.?  Does the elliot wave theory take into account the duration of a major market move up to size and momentum of downside potential?  As a former snowboarder, i know that the higher i went the more it hurt coming down  .  Not sure in this modern time in trading where computers have dominated, how does 'algorithm risk' ever get factored in, if at all?  thanks for listening :)

  28. Thanks what I'm getting from the ISDA statement is that it won't declare a credit event until the CAC's are actually implemented.

  29. Yes folks...and that is why he won't do two shows a night.

  30. Being a conspiracy believer, SOMETHING IS UP!!! Look at all these other FX pairs, they are not dropping like EURO, and with no news, it kept sliding down, someone knows something we don't....

  31. Katzo, reset finished!! do you see us going higher from 1368, to test yesterday's high?

  32. Excellent trade.

  33. CDS's are now voluntary..  they declined

  34. yes, higher but not necessarily a test of recent high (throw-over). hard to say if another throw-over occurs. . .

  35. Greece record low PMI..  we dont seem to bother with the Greece news anymore

  36. In my opinion, EUR dropped because of the LTRO (which is similar to how the Fed's QE is bad for the USD)

  37. so far on the 5 min, it has been rejected 5 times on 1368.86, as I type, a large red candle is forming...

  38. no one seems to care about Greece anymore, unless it declares bankruptcy, which it already is and everyone knows. All Greece news are non- news.

  39. wow look at that long wick, stop grabber, or future price target?

  40. was it up or down?

  41. Right, and the Germans actually see risk in lending in tons of money to banks who put up shaky collateral, unlike our own CB.  Remember, U.S. taxpayers have unwittingly bailed out Europe with Fed's swap lines to loan dollars to ECB.  If the national CB's can't pay back the ECB in three years, then the ECB won't be paying back the Fed...

  42. es 1369.50 is 61.8% fib level, still early to do anything imo, nothing clear

  43. Up, sadly...

  44. Greek 1 year bond yield hit an all time high of  920%. I think we should just all sell our house and invest in Greek bonds, 10x return in one yea, who wouldn't want that? :D

  45. Greece is going to default and the market knows it.  I read the 10 year CDS rates imply a 94% chance of default in that time period with a .22 recovery rate (=78% haircut)...The only unanswered question is when they leave the Euro.  

  46. let us know when you want to enter or which level seems accurate in your opinion...thks

  47. NYMEX gasoline up 7%

  48. How big is the damage according to EWT, the fact that we just went above yesterday's 2pm peak? TIA!

  49. The Wizard set to testify this AM - curious if he refines his message a bit today.

  50. Not sure if will hold up, but this is looking a lot like 12/8-9.  12/8 was a key reversal day like yesterday.  12/9 retraced a lot of that down move and closed up.  Then the sell-off continued the next several days, bottoming 12/19 at 1199.

    12/8 Open 1258 (March es contract), Closed 1230, Low 1225 (Key reversal day)
    12/9 Open 1230, Close 1253, High 1255

  51. Both ISM and construction spending below estimates.

  52. now what?? my eyes hurt

  53. ST short is IT short, twin pipes, 120

  54. ISM less than expected ....

    But the USA is still the prettiest pig in the poke. :)

  55. Nice, that backtest of previous support (SPX)  showed it acting as resistance. 

  56. this is a major chart change ino guys. . . .very telling

  57. Out at 67.75, I need more days like this :) still think we may close solidly green and would rather get out too early than too late.

  58. great entry point, look at that long red candle, I love it!!

  59. Possible, get to check my teacher. But what he did in the 80s is not helping now. And what I really do not like is his know-it-all attitude and his disregard for strict money management. You can call it wrong and call it wrong. And he calls it wrong wrong.

  60. good work and money for 3 minutes work!!

  61. negative divergences continue.... should go lower soon...

  62. think next down set up, this should cement a down day in, if no great fall I am wrong

  63. the rebound is quite strong....but Ben is going to speak soon....

  64. I figured that swap deal was a scam as soon as it came out. US taxpayers will take in the end, in the end.

  65. short again at 70.75.  sl at 1374.  68-69 level likely to be st support.

  66.  ...due to lack of interest.

  67. if the market is not tanking with the Ism data..I think we will reach a level where it is better to forget about trading...

  68.  ROFLMAO...have you been talking to my wife? :)

  69. All I have on board right now is TVIX...I really wish they would rename it SHTF...that almost seems just as appropriate.

  70. is someone rattling their saber again?...or are they just adjusting to the drop in consumption.

  71. next fall set up, tgt 66

  72. This 26,000,000,000,000 (trillion) piece jig-saw puzzle is tiring

  73. how is that for timing? I load my comment and wait til it is right up against my TA

  74. AAPL looking weak intraday.  Breakdown coming?

  75.  Good call. But what is TA? :)

  76.  AAPL has been parabolic. It needs some rest. There's always a chance that next week's iPAD 3 may disappoint. Moreover, the empire (MSFT) is striking back with their Windows 8. :)

  77. Sen. Shelby - "Mr Bernanke why haven't CDS been triggered in Greece? Is this because of manipulation by govt's & CB's?
    Bernanke - "UHHHH, no sir, absolutely not!" 

  78. TA = technical analysis (not what you thought, lol)

  79. watch now. . . tgt 66 (T10

  80. looks like a Doji star on yesterdays's close?

  81. Big battle at es 69 (add @ 1.25 for spx cash), whoever wins will set tone for ST, as i type this, bears win, quickly to 68

  82.  Right.

    As a trading bot, you do have a human mind. :)

  83. lol  having 2 of those, one of those, and one of those, is different than having one of those, two of those, and one of those.  it's legos.

  84. OK, this is something that escapes me. What does "cash equiv" mean in relation to the E's target, and what does "add 4 for $SPX"?

  85. Eur had bounce, es 68-69 support held, i've reversed and am long at 70 w SL @ 68

  86. out of long 70.50, eur giving it all back

  87. dont try to get to cute with this imo, direction is down.  . . . they are trying to shake ppl out on both sides. . . . 

  88. take my number, say 1366 ES and add 4 to it, that is the cahs or $SPX price. This is always fluctuating tho the +4, never constant

  89. Bernanke thinking (as he utters "UHHHH"):  "Damn it! Even U.S. senators have figured us out!"

  90. No sir....I'm a one man woman, er......I mean,  I'm a one woman man.

  91. i agree, i am just trading st levels of 68-69 as support, 71-72 as resistance.  But I completely agree risk is to the downside, if 68 goes today, it will go quick.  If es somehow takes out 74, watch out.

  92. Good morning PL,
    This is feeling horribly horribly slow and sideways, 4th wave boredom, so is there another leg up here? viz your alt.
    Theoretically the descent should be swift and powerful after an extended 5th or ending diagonal and we have had both?
    This sure ain't swift and powerful at the moment!
    Over to you :)
    Kind regards,

  93. Euro is so weak.  Still my favorite short target here.

  94. Good afternoonm A1,
    thank you for the info, looks very good...
    I've put the names of two outfits on from where you can get free charting.
    Hope that helps.
    Kind regards,

  95. agree, swings are larger than I thought they would be. . .

  96. PL (anyone)....aud/usd has performed right in line with the SPX. If we are headed higher on the SPX, wouldn't the aud/usd be making new highs as well? Last two to three weeks looks corrective in the aud/usd.

  97. DAX lost yesterday until this morning 150 points. until know it gained back 120 points. Long is sitting comfortable here. DJ I expect some up movement, waiting for 13200 until end of week.

  98. Someone just inflated about € 500 billions into the €, I also would use some of this money to buy outside things...

  99. Thank you, UKDNY.

  100. Short 1 ES at 73.25

  101. goons. this market eats little bears for snacks.

  102. swings are larger than I thought, $VIX down 4%

  103. Hi A1,
    did I send this to you, it was ready to go but vanished!!
    try again :)

  104. looking at today's upmove is of a-b-c structure, c wave of 5 waves, 4th wave is triangle, and thrust of the triangle is 1375. So reversal to be started from here....

  105. Yes.  I received it the first time.  Thank you.

  106. GooNs!! This market eats little bears like you for snacks!

  107. goooooooooooooooooo

  108. Got a great indicator, shorting it all here


  110. COVER. QUICK!


  112. 4th wave triangles look on for INDU / SPX and NAS100?
    More waiting waiting waiting for that other shoe. :(

  113. The ISDA did not admit to the Greek default.  Massive conflict of Interest.  From The Slog:

    ".. ISDA’s European Determination Committee. This is
    the composition of the.. institutions in
    the sector who have a vote:

    Bank of America / Merrill Lynch
    Credit Suisse
    Deutsche Bank
    Goldman Sachs
    JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
    Morgan Stanley
    Societe General

    Every last one of that lot has a vast amount to lose from Hedge Funds
    picking up default insurance. And quite a few of them are either
    heavily exposed to Greek default per se…or have one or other kind of
    worm-can they wouldn’t like to be opened by a default."

  114. got a 5 min meas move fib to 1374 from the globex alot of cars done at 1373.75 so they may want to tick if not more than 500 or so if they do tick it.........dang it....i got a tick again!!



  117. Manipulation, conflict of interest, etc... etc... etc...  Who will call them on it?  Government, banks, ECB, and FED all in cahoots.

  118. Looks like the SP500 is rebounding nicely again today (up 8 pts as I write this). Next stop 1400. Think we already saw the pullback on Monday when theSP500 retreated to the 1355 range. Onwards and upwards, only good news about the economy fills the media.
    It will be interesting to see if the unemployment stats for February come out higher as per Gallup's estimates (9%)
    please see
    But even then, the market will probably just shrug it off and keep moving higher.
    Bear sandwich anyone???

  119. IS TAMMY HOT?

  120. There is always a gap between futures prices and cash prices. Let me know if you want me to explain why this is so. 

    In the case of SPX/ES, the size of the gap depends on the length of time until contract expiry, the SPX dividend yield, and prevailing interest rates. Lately the gap is usually about 5-6 points when a contract becomes front-month (i.e. when it has about three months to expiry) and drops to almost nothing immediately prior to expiry.

    Right now the gap is only about one point, and that will continue to drop as we approach expiry of the March contract.

  121. They are the products of incestuous business relationships.


  123. This should not surprise anyone, they went to a lot of trouble to engineer this 'voluntary' restructuring.  ISDA = Int'l SWAP DEALERS assoc; those are all the swap dealers.  OJ managed to get away with it, you think the swap dealers wouldn't?  They have better lawyers and no dna evidence needs to be disproved/ignored.

  124. Out of ES short at 73.25 ... scratch.

  125. Possible H&S and possible EW count since yesterday's high attached.

  126. PL, quick question about amazon shopping. I clicked on your books on the right to go to amazon, then click powered by amazon to go to the homepage, but because I need shipping to Canada, so I clicked on the homepage. Will you still get credit for the stuffs I buy on I wish you will.

  127. Woz, Steve Jobs' former partner in crime, called for 1000 AAPL .... :)

  128. SPX Gann 360 chart, not much longer??

  129. talking heads discussing possibility of correction here.....sure hope they dont jinx the possibility

  130. I'm terrible at intraday predictions, but I'm really thinking we selloff now into the end of the day, and it continues on Friday.  Reasons:  weak euro, weak AAPL on the intraday chart, and a little fake breakout move over the days highs and back under on the SPY.   As another reason that probably means nothing, the Russell and Transports also have both retraced 50% of their moves from rally highs to recent lows.

  131. Yes, please share! : )

  132.  Nice.  Thanks for posting.

  133. Short 1 ES at 72.5

  134.  Good eye.  Just an FYI:  you can use the "abc TEXT" button on FreeStockCharts to label your waves.

  135. Thanks b_s....good to know. I think I need to study that Gann stuff alot more.

  136. Daily VIX update.  any input?

  137. Out at ES 74.5... - 2

  138. Where are we?

  139.  Well, so far this call sure looks like a dud!

  140. Was the WWWCI indicator that showed up earlier...

  141. Very interesting. If it's really just one or two buyers, that doesn't indicate wide-spread nervousness. Yet. 

  142. WN, is your "shorting it all" strategy high-probability bet with smart target move? Or a normal probability, with potentially large target move?

  143. Mr. Potato Head? He always looks like he's being swallowed by his own jowls.

  144. Blind_Squirrel......appears as though you are a Gann aficionado. I have no exposure to the tenets and am wondering if you could apply the Gann principles to two charts for me. Both charts are of companies with long term bases. Both companies should have significant appreciation over the next couple years and I believe both are very close to breaking out. If you have time, could you look at EXAR and INFN from the Gann perspective. If this requires too much work, I'd understand your hesitation.

  145. Thank you. That really explains it!  $-)

  146. Can today's action be attributed to being 1st of the month fund buying? 

  147. Short 1 ES at 74.75

  148. OK.  How about this one?  If SPY 137.89 breaks, then b is really  C, then down.  Being broken as I write

  149. Thanks. I was toying with the idea also that this might be an ABC correction. This is where I could use PL's help in real time. The big picture is useful to know but the fine counts are the head scratchers.

  150. BTW, I have no idea what I'm saying, so take it with a big grain of salt.

  151. Was not a friendly animal.

  152. Gotcha. Thanks.
    Man, those guys in the 1960's striped suits were really packaged!

  153. I'm almost sorry I asked. Lol

  154. Stop moved down to ES 74

  155. Um, would that be in trade for our support against Iran?

  156. Ty.  Hope this one "works", as I have been stopped out a couple of times already.

  157. this took most of the day to play out and I am still not clear of the direction. It popped above my 61.8% retrace , that did not parallel my early idea

  158. Your chart goes back to 2008, but I wonder what the record is.  There had to be some stretches in the late '90s that went way longer than 56 days.  Just curious....

  159.  I thought maybe Cramer called for SPX-2000 or something.  That would certainly be the kiss of death.

  160. Sounds like they're betting the vix cash won't rise as much into April as currently forecast by the vix futures curve (out months higher than front currently)...And he's saying the size they're doing this in, isn't moving the implied vols of the vix itself YET, but he leaves open the possibility it could if volume increases or vix cash starts rising.

  161. Did you notice how more bearish the DJI looks today than the SPX or the NASDAQ? Could this help the bearish POV?

  162. Out at ES 72.5 ... +2.25

  163. C'mon...he's a good guy.

  164. $VIX just popped a bit right after I posted that, that is what i am watching , for a spike in the $VIX soon

  165. Crazy stuff is going on in central bank land.  isreal is buying u.s. equities.


  166. Isn't this the retest of yesterday's halfway top as PL suggested in the last paragraph?

  167. Still looks a lot like 12/8-9 to me.  If tomorrow we test today's highs, fail and head lower the downtrend will continue..I've been trading a lot more than usual today, my broker now says my avg (short) position price is 73.75 and I'm leaning on 75 as a stop.  I can live with that.

  168. Why not playfrom long side. Market go up.dont yunderstand your callseither.itsalways down call butt marketgo up. Please take long side many peoples followand weakly go broke. Pretzel say watch out anxious should listen yesteerday. I down half my account inlastt month with this BS market and I no job anymore. U all making Money somehow.don't think real. Paper money trader to keep againstthe up move. Hope you learn better ccause I'm shadow trades butt never win. Think I go back to fast again.thanks for trying I guess but please go to long make the money

  169. Here's a very simple explanation;
    The market will continue on it's present upward course until such time that it changes direction and begins to move in a downward direction. This explanation avoids the pitfalls of trying to predict the market by technical or fundamental analysis since neither seem
    to work in this present market.

  170. At any rate, move lower is the higher probability.

  171. I liken that comment to those made by companies who that say they are "buying back there shares"....most never do and I think Charles Nenner is an Israeli calling for Dow 5000 in the next two years. His most recent comment about the Dow going down was that it would start after the first quarter of 2012. His homie's buying when he saying  SPX top at 1440 and then down to  5000 on the Dow? Doesn't make sense.

  172. Short 1 ES at 73.5 

  173. Let's hope so.  I'm short ES 72.25

  174. es volume quite a bit lower than yesterday............

  175. Well today's trading certainly doesn't make me think buyers are still less than capable of doing whatever they want.  

    That wrench from 1,370 to 1,376 took two hours and never allowed sellers to retrace more than one point for it's entire duration.  That doesn't happen if sellers can muster anything.Finally around 2pm there was a two point let off to allow the pros and bots to jettison losing positions that had been averaged down, but this is still a market where buyers dictate the action far more than the sellers do.If things hold true to form for what this market has been all about, we will print yet another new high by the end of trading today or tomorrow morning that maxes out the fifteen minute chart . . . and then there will be another waterfall move by mid-morning that shakes everyone out who bought on the way up.The other possibility is that today's meandering session is one last fakeout green candle where we hover in a range for the Street to sell as much as possible to the last remaining suckers before really running things down decisively and hard.Since we are at a curious juncture here and it's just hard to tell, I am not holding any positions at the moment.Went short at 1,273 earlier this morning, which I added to at 1,275 and 1,276, which I then sold a few minutes ago for a minor gain.  But this isn't an easy market to make sense of at the moment.When we are up at these levels, I hate going long other than for quick scalp trades.  And just the same, after those waterfall moves, I won't consider going short until we are at least nine to ten points away from where the last waterfall move bottomed.  Yesterday, we touch 1,364 for a hot second, so taking a short trade today seemed to make sense at the time.What I'd really like to see is for another incremental new high to be printed, which I can confidently short the bejesus out of.  Or a fall back to the bottom of the channel from which it's easy to go long.  
