Articles of Interest

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SPX Update: In a Surprise Move, the ECB Declares Bankruptcy

That got your attention!  Too bad I'm making it up.

Yesterday, I gave my arguments in favor of the preferred count.  Today, I was going to play devil's advocate, and actually wrote an entire article along those line.  That took two hours.  Then I scrapped it.

Then I re-wrote it.  I've been charting and writing for almost 12 hours straight now, so I'm completely exhausted and eye may and up with a bunchch of typoses and spalleing airors. 

After all the re-writing, I've decided I am going to publish this alternate count.  There really wasn't much to add to yesterday, so instead of getting lazy, I tried to turn my views on their head.  I don't want to confuse everyone with this devil's advocate attempt, but I don't want anyone to get screwed by this market either.  Normally, I can rule out certain counts by using historical confirming indicators.  But so far this market has blown those indicators up every time, so I feel like I'm charting with half the usual amount of tools. 

Today's action has the potential to answer a lot of questions.

I'm favoring the preferred count by a 65-35 margin.  Perhaps in this market I should favor it by a 80-50 margin, since indicators and math haven't really been working too well lately.  I'm sure Ben or the ECB can print up the extra 30 percentage points I need in order to exceed 100%.

First the short-term count:  I've tried my best to interpret the 5-minute charts in light of the preferred count, and have come up with an expanding ending diagonal as the most likely short-term possibility.  As a result, the upper end of the target zone has increased a few points, to 1385.  If this count is correct, the final wave could end at any time -- ending diagonals often end with a spike-high and quick reversal.  The chart also shows the key short-term price markers.

The danger zone for bears is above the upper red trend line.  If the market shows any acceleration above that line, then bears are in full retreat, and the move is likely to run.

Next the 10 minute chart.

And finally, the alternate count.  I used the Wilshire 5000 to give me a chance to look at the market with fresh eyes, and this count considers the potential of an additional first and second wave in the structure.  Normally, I'd use historical indictors to give me an idea of how believable this count is -- but those haven't been much help lately.

As I've said, in a "normal" market, I'm able to use confirming indicators to rule out certain counts with better confidence.  But this market isn't normal -- it's being driven by the central banks instead of investor psychology. 

Trying to navigate this market beyond the next couple hours has been akin to trying to fly a plane without instruments.  The compass hasn't been working, the altimeter is broken, the control tower is speaking broken English, and the stewardess keeps insisting we eat the crappy quiche that's been in cold storage since the Truman administration.

I know bears are anxious to jump in and do something after all this time -- but I would caution those bears who choose to take action to stay nimble.

While I'm favoring the preferred count by 65-35, today the market will hopefully provide some clues to add confidence to, or subtract confidence from, that count -- with the long-awaited ECB announcement finally here.  The first step for bears is to turn and hold this market back below the 2011 highs.

Again, this article was intended to be a devil's advocate approach.  If you're looking for more "conviction," please go back and re-read yesterday's article.  Trade safe. 

The original article, and many more, can be found at


  1. Devil's advocate. I'm flattered.

  2. Hey, this entire market has been a rising wedge! That's very cool. Now, can I get back to my movie?

  3. Alright guys and gals.  I'm completely beat now and my eyes are getting foggy.  I'm going to have to bid you "hasta la Winnebago" and go get some rest.  GL

  4. what's so difficult to count? 1,2,3,4,5 and done... LOL. Man oh man, what a time to try to start to learn EWT. I hear ya dude, and I feel for ya trying to make something out of this mess.. well the futures are not going gang busters; essentially flat so it's certainly not Nov 30 or Dec 20 euphoria. 

  5. and turn off your phone!!!

  6. on a serious note: can wave 5 be equal or longer (in time than wave 3)? if not, then wave 5 has only MAX 3 days more to run, before it will be longer than wave 3 (which coincides exactly with this coming friday). 

  7.  Feels more like a rising wedgie. :O

  8. 80/50 - I luv it.  Enjoy your well-deserved rest.

  9. An update from The Slog .  Nothing surprising, but an issue to watch:

    "Sources close to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association
    (ISDA) reported late yesterday that the organisation was tending to come
    down on the side of a CDS trigger decision in relation to the
    restructuring of Greek debt."

  10.  If AAPL were a country ....

    It would be the world's 20th largest. The way the AAPL share is going, it will soon be ahead of the People's Republic of California - AAPL's home country. :)

  11. brought forward. 
    potential IT tops for AAPLT1 536 ~ it hit 541 in o/n trading
    547 ~ oscillator buy pressure is still high, no backing off so this
    seems plausible, this would be the roughly 10% move I mentioned when
    AAPL was at 500 and warned ppl not to short it
    predicted high hit exactly this morning on AAPL

    I am short es from 1376

  12. Eur just got smoked from 1.3440 to 1.34

  13. Any ideas on what caused the sudden slide starting at 10:02 AM?

  14. Ben was talking....

  15. We also hit the top of the ascending triangle right before the decline began.  A purely technical move?

  16. Yes, triangle, plus 15 minutes Williams %R was topped. Seems like trading is now all technical, which is a good thing, imo.

  17. Updated 80/50 currency creator machine breakdown. Almost 2,000,000,000,000.00 in five months.

  18. Katzo7, nice call on AAPl. IT = a few days to a week? Thanks for your insights. 

  19. The strangest thing about it is that VIX yawned and went lower as the down move happened.  It could imply that market makers are simply playing with the price now and will do so until God knows when.

  20. Updated Merchandise World Trade Volume (3 month rate of change in green, 6mo moving average in red) as of 12/31/11 (data available 2-20-12). 

  21. I saw that too, VIX is barely moving with this rather huge down move, no panic....

  22. sure feels toppy.  I believe we will have our first > 01%  move day here this week of 2012. 

  23. same thing on the FX front, other than EUR and PMs that got smoked, CAD and AUD are not moving lower which it normally would if it is truly "risk off"...

  24. I agree with an earlier comment that our first down 1% or more day is either likely today or this week.  Shorting fairly aggressively right here (with reasonable stops).

  25.  Meant to add shorting the market but focusing much heavier on the euro.

  26. Good morning SS,
    It would be a good idea I would say, to invest in Frost and Prechter's book as they are the definitive expounders of Elliott Wave Theory.
    But to answer your question; the only Rule (and Rules cannot be broken) is that wave 3 in an impulse wave can never be the shortest (in price).
    This holds true for diagonals too which by definition will meet that criterion although it isn't defined as a Rule.
    The time relationship is a rough guide which is a probability, not a 'must do' or 'must have'.
    So wave 5 can be anything it likes.
    Within the Rules.
    Hope that helps. :)
    Kind regards,
    PS if any of this is in error I'm quite sure PL will put us right!

  27. I'm right there with you on ES 74.625.  Target far

  28. VIX is moving now. S&P almost negative..  500 Billion Euros pumped in and we're basically  UNCH...   XIV starting to move down..  TVIX just drank an energy drink..  just waiting for my pet GEICO pig to squeeel.. 

  29.  Sell on news, now that LTRO is out?

  30.  The market is not fearful, for now. VIX future, however, is telling another story.

  31. in a big way..  been record Contango lately  between $VIX and VIX futures

  32. my Geico pig is squeeeling.  pulling helmet and bandages out of closet, check... 

  33. Outside reversal for SPX? Am I just seeing things?  :)

  34. I love the broken cockpit analogy. It sure feels that way. These days, I take all blogs with a grain of salt, but at least yours is rational and humorous. Don't you feel like, these days what's the point of doing chart analysis? I guess that's why you scrapped and unscrapped.

  35. Yes, and if we close below yesterday's close it will be a key reversal day (down).

  36. Ben mentioned current improvement from job market is "far from normal," so you know who is cooking the job numbers.  If the job number is a leading indicator of the economy, then we have to rewrite our economic theory.

  37. Oil down, SLV down, GLD down, stock down, bonds down, Vxx down ....

    What a market! :)

  38. come on Katso, turn on the sell bots, we need another wave down today.

  39. Is today going to be a "real" down day, or we are screwed again when the market rips back up after Europe is closed? I guess we will soon find out....

  40. That move took us below the lower bounds of the TL/wedge.  In recent days you could buy those dips and count on a quick rally back into the supporting TL.  Thats a dangerous move today considering we moved back from the top of the wedge.  I'm not ruling out  moving into the wedge - above 1373 range in the next few days, but I'm thinking we  have our first close outside of it today. 

    I'm of the opinion that the additional risk in equities means that we won't be seeing as many LTRO dollars in equities at least not until the market corrects a "normal" amount, which I believe we will see finally. 

  41. Look at the move in silver $2 down in less than an hour. Katzo, would It be safe to say that wave 5 of 1 has finished, and 2 is starting with target to maybe 30-32 spot price? was es 65 broken earlier? what might be your T2 if after this bounce we break 65 again?

  42. Good morning A1,
    could you possibly post your chart (of SPX ?) showing the triangle (diagonal?)  please?
    Or if not possible, the figures... I'm having trouble seeing it.
    That would be very helpful.
    Kind regards,

  43.  Watch the value of the dollar.  If the value of the drops, money is coming in from Europe. 


  44. Wow it took me 2 minutes to type that silver comment and it dropped another dollar to 34.2 spot just like that...crazy market...3 dollars move in 1 day, feels like September 2011 again

  45. I think 1719 is the break point for Gold.

  46. Helicopter Ben did not mention QE3 ....

    He said everything imaginable is improving. For a market up to the eyeball with liquidity, but still thirsty, that was bad news. And everyone was hitting the sell button. :)

  47. I know it's an anathema around here, but it sounds like what Prechter calls "all the same" markets. The way he explains makes sense.

  48. Good piece published yesterday.....

  49. Out earlier at ES 66.25.  About 8 pts.  Will wait until TL and/or support break.

  50. I've seen a few charts that show the dollar nearing support. It's currently having it's biggest day in while. It may have hit the floor at 78.

  51. Here is the charted of the rising wedge, which is now broken.

  52. PL's wv 5 (top is 1,378.55) needs another 2.2 points or more to become longer than wv3
    It's a Rule of an expanding diagonal, so - more upside to come.
    Put the champagne back on ice for a while (:

  53. Thanks for the analysis. I thought this was just the usual within the rising channel. Nothing's downside is going to happen till Israel bombs Iran and oil rises, IMO.

  54. Good morning UKDNY,

    Top of wedge defined by S&P tops on 1/26 and 2/9.  Bottom of wdge defined by S&P bottoms on 1/30 and 2/16.

    Sorry... but I am not sure of how to post charts (never done it before), but I need to get with the "program" on that.

    Is the way to go to post charts here?  Or is there some screen grap software that others use? 

  55. I use Jing (free to use) to grab to a local file. My charting software can also take snapshot to file. Then I post to PL's blog on the web page, clicking the "+ Image" button. It's a pain in the butt actually. I think what Katz does is probably the better way. Prob needs a Screencast account though.

  56. Thanks, DD.  I am thinking that katzo's way of providing a link is the simplest method.  Doesn't stockcharts also allow for links to their charts (with an account)?

  57. Do you use Stockcharts or a desktop charting software platform? I use esignal.

  58. there goes the SPX reverse H&S

  59. I use TradeStation and Telechart.

  60. We could use some of Katzo7's insightful comments at this time...

  61. last chance saloon for the NAS100?
    This is current, it tops at approx 2660.
    All the indexes look in need of a last hurrah, then the bears can come out to play :)

  62. Daily VIX option report

  63. All I can say is that I see a negative divergence on MACD and RSI during the past hour, therefore this hike up may not last. It might turn lower again soon...

  64. Shorted SLV ....

    Will cover at 24+/-. Helicopter Ben, responding to a congressman's question, said, "Inflation? What inflation?" Almost immediately, SLV, GLD, Oil, and everything else that hurts when dropped on one's feet tanked. :)

  65. Thanks for this. I understood all of it except the part about the buyer who came in and bought "something" (VIX?) deep in the money (calls?). This was supposed to be part of the package. Can someone fill in the blanks for me?

  66. Thanks, sandyone44.

  67. covered at 69....shd hv done it at 68.50

  68. Deep in the money calls carry very small premiums and trade point for point with the underlying security.

  69. been busy at work, still short es from 76, tgt again that gap fill level of 60.50 ish

  70. VIX April 30 put is bid 8.20 ask 8.30. VIX is trading under 18.....put should be priced at 12.00

  71. Me too. I was just wondering how you were doing.

  72.  Do you plan on carrying it overnight if it does not hit your tgt by EOD?

  73. PL....what's wrong with my math?  VIX is trading just under $18. April 30 put is trading at $8.20 - $8.30. Buy the PUT and buy the VIX. Put the VIX to seller at $30, pay for my VIX at $18....I have a 4 point profit. Somethings not right.

  74. thanks for explaining, if I understand you correctly  wave 5 can be longer than wave 3 in time, but not in price!? right!?

  75. it's already larger in value than Poland! 

  76. Yep, me too! What do you guys expect of the market from now until the EOD?

  77. I agree too. But, don't give up. There's a reason why TA is around and has been around through all major bull and bear markets, because it does work. One needs to know when it gives falls signals (e.g. divergences in strong up or down trends), especially stochastic oscillators are tricky. At the end; all is/should already be baked into the price action (e.g. that's why the markets didn't rally on the 539billion almost free money this time, whereas it did on Dec 20, 2011 - and of course on Nov 30, 2011 when FED made a deal with EU). 

  78. Wow I thought you have sold that at the low and re-enter at the bounce already, being such a nimble trader yourself. we seem to be forming a triangle on the 5 min chart....anyone can verify?? I am riding the short train with you all the the way, what do you think of the move in silver? Do you think the wave 5 of 1 is over and now it is in 2?

  79. its been record 'Contango' for a while between Cash VIX  ($VIX) and the future out months..  high premium.  thats been the problem w VXX and TVIX..  Once the cash VIX is higher than out month futures, we will have ' Backwardation'... 

  80. But what is wrong with Bob_E's guaranteed profit?

  81. the diff between VIX spot and futures have been slowly compressing, good days to come for TVIX UVXY holders?

  82. just noticed that the SPX perfectly hit the/PL's lower trend channel boundary at 1365 @11 ET... (The lower line goes through 1365 @ noon exactly... That's not shabby and it means it's still channel surfing for now... and so the drama continues...

  83. 100 VIX - $1800, buy 1 april 30 put = 830. Put the VIX shares to the Put seller at $30 = 3000. My cost is 1800 + 830, I receive profit 360. What am I missing?

  84.  You can't buy VIX. You can only buy futures on VIX. The April VIX futures are currently about 23.6

  85. That was what I thought. The trade can't be carried out.

  86.  Also, VIX options are European style settlement ... can only be exercised on expiration day.

  87. We're at SPX 61.8 retracement from the decline of this AM right now.

  88. I usually would have, only 1 contract, but am leaving it on as was busy and want to see what EOD will provide.

  89. I will be out by 4:15 pm.

  90. Answer is:....VIX is an index, no shares available for purchase.

  91. Yeah. Would have been less confusing for me if index symbols were always typed with the dollar sign, $VIX, on this blog.

  92. starting down again me thinks. . . 

  93. Sorry for the confusion

  94. The suspense is killing me.

  95. I think you confused yourself first. ;-) We're all learning.

  96. Joining the chorus calling for a market correction, Erik Swarts Meridian Theory compares the current market to 1988 and 1994.  Back testing his calls through a handful of his historical articles, I see a solid track record.

  97. For what it's worth, I'd just like to show you folks how the $CAC ended up its day.  The reaction to the announcements about LTRO (I don't even know what the announcement was), was pretty darned negative.  FTSE and the DAX did the same but ultimately didn't fall as far on the day.  But the action in the final hour and a half was very similar to what's seen on the chart below.  I can't imagine why it should be any different for our markets.  I think we end the day with a big sell-off.  Again... please take my opinions with a grain of salt, since my record of getting it right "when I verbalize it" is running somewhere around 7%. lol$CAC&p=15&b=3&g=0&id=p53495901904

  98. AMZN down 2%, the VIXES really doing nothing. . . 

  99. now plz be careful, me also short. First impulse down for a 1/a. RT is mine...
    Hit my limit sell at 71,7, SL 77. I am tasting short, have to get more used to it, I think...

  100. one of the reasons i held on all day to my short from 1376 es was that i am expecting a serious rout now, we had a number of fake outs, wondering if this one will be the one. love the alignment in my charts now saying a good down but seen this broken before.

  101. wow, cool  thanks

  102. Right on cue, what is t1 for this down move? Vix is still very quiet.... Thanks

  103. T1 is double bottom at 63.75, break that and T2 of 60.5 becomes formidable, below that and good bye. . . 

  104. should speed up down now. . . 

  105.  Katzo: I totally agree.  I think the Eur and GLD/SLV are foretelling a much larger selloff coming over the next few days.  We also lost Dow 13K again, which has to demoralize the bulls.

    Does your EW charting give you a downside target that you are aiming for?  I am probably way too ambitious with my target, but ideally I would like to hold some swing trade positions until SPX 1290 or so.

  106. yeah, 1280 to 1300 es, but that is a ways off if it happens, seen great set ups for this broken too many times recently. . .

  107. Thanks....I appreciate your understanding.

  108. Thanks for the read, Katzo. I drew a Gann box for the ES price action. I'm expecting a breakdown tomorrow afternoon also. See posted chart.

  109. I get EOD set at 60.25, that ole gap fill line. . . 

  110. I think he means PL's red trend line from today's first chart.

  111. me be careful? lol I like that advise.

  112. Someone on CNBC called for SPX to retrace back to 1072. That, is a crash, no? :)

  113. Going to need a big turnaround to keep this from closing below yesterday's close and becoming a key reversal day.  

  114.  She also called for island reversal for AAPL. Yikes. :)

  115. Regular trading hours, in contrast to hours for futures.

  116. had a MM over my house last night who wanted to put some of wife' stuff in the mrkt. i showed an EW chart, they could not understand it. I explained how the macd showed digression under the EW3 to 5 comparison they asked what the macd was. I explained candle recognition and they asked what a doji was. I asked why would you be going long up here (pointing to top of channel). they stated, what makes you think it is gong to go down? I stated, what makes you think it is gonna continue to go up (permabull, they could care less when you enter and timing, they look for a commish)? They said I want to move the money Wed. I said wait two weeks. They left scratching their head. we will see where we are in two weeks but i predict lower. who know tho, the contrarian does. . . 

  117. No way we close above the TL today.  Should have figured that it would take something as rare as leap day to break that line.  Still not ignoring the possiblilty that the market moves higher, but not a close back above that TL.

  118. Sadly I did not recognize the broadening wedge earlier, otherwise I would have said it more clearly in my earlier pic, that time for short €/$ could have come... first I thought of maybe only on impulse down, for know looks even better. 

  119. regular trading hours, ES trades til 4:15 pm EST

  120. out at 63.5, 76..63.5 es

  121. i was go=unna mention Island reversal for AAPL today, possible. . .

  122. last 15 min is the whippiest!! good call, see if we can touch T2...looks like it is ramping up now..

  123. 67.5 to 68 should contain this up. . . 

  124. SPX now hovering slightly -by a thread- inside PL's lower trend line, was below it for a little while when SPX hit 1364...

  125. if this thing turns bearish in the last half hour of RTH, that puts a check mark in the bearish column

  126. Real nice work Katzo - Congrats

  127.  WOW! ES dropped 8 points right at the close...

  128. think it hit T2, right? I get EOD set at 60.25, that ole gap fill line. . . or double bottom at 63.75. . .

  129. Great call last night.  I was stopped out on the LTRO news unfortunately and was not able to reenter today.

  130. did they just for the first time run the longs out of town at the close????  yippie!!!  western ks talk

  131. did we just get a ghost spike down to 56 ES?????

  132.  Dang it.  If they said it on CNBC, it's likely to hit 1572 before 1072.

  133. i watch Time n Sales on $VIX etc..  it spiked from 17.96 to 18.62 in one second

  134. I don't think it was a ghost spike...  I think it was real price action.  The question is why?

  135. i lost 4 points last night as that spike scared me out but turned around and went right back in.

  136. What was that drop? I remember you said that ghost spike happens to "tell" future price target??

  137. Not a shock.  If you recall I was in amazement a week or two ago when my UVXY stock dumped from 7.55 to 7.25 in one second, then plunged under $7.  

  138. That would be fun. But anything is possible right now. The unexpected is expected, except when it comes to government actions. Stupidity has become predictable.

  139. chart of the day, ES/15. look at that touch of my TL, unbelievable.

  140. spx cash closed above the lower trend line, we could get a bounce tomorrow before resuming lower.   I closed out my short es around 61.  Considering going long for a very small st trade once o/n session starts.  If we don't bounce here, I think we'll definitely bounce at 56-57 area, so have defined risk.

  141. ghost spike on SPY to 137.8, not sure if that has any meaning.

  142. For me they are different. The BW has to have specific inside moves of the waves, the trumpet or megaphone is more like maybe a triangle, maybe an EDT, maybe whatsoever... more broad defined. BW's gives you the creeps. Also the morning before the flash crash it showed in the DJ. 

  143. if it is a real 'ghost spike' and not a hammer handle. . . 

  144. last nite was strange, there were three or four perfect looking short entries, it was teasing me on the way up so I stayed short too long (the teases) as it moved higher

    typical EW5, very hard to read

  145.  Out of AAPL - reached my ST target of 550 +/-. Neutral on the stock, went long on NOK and RIMM. Microsoft's touch and gesture based Windows 8 will give AAPL the run for their money.

    And if they decide to buy RIMM, or NOK, or both .... :)

  146.  Also went long on MSFT a while ago .... :)

  147. Anybody catch the H&S possibly setting up on the SPY 5-min chart?

  148. Windows 8 is quite the OS, it will indeed give everyone a run for their money.

  149. huge volume in the es today....around 2,280,000..........this on  a down day.........hope theres more to to see 1350 broke and quik trip to 1325 to c if she holds....alas.....who knos?

  150. Yeah, MSFT is good for one decent product per decade.  APPL, on the other hand:  Have they ever had a product that flopped?  Honestly, I have never owned an Apple product, but I've been cursing Bill Gates for 25 years.  My next round of hardware will likely include an Iphone-5 & Ipad-3.

  151. put my money where my mouth is, long small at 60.50

  152. I guess if I'm the contrarian indicator, my throwing in the towel and buying Apple products may be a sign for everyone else to short the stock.  I'll let you know when I make my purchases.

  153. Leaving limit order in to buy more at 56.75.  Unless ECB actually does declare bankrutpcy (there is no word for that in Greek, Greeks just always borrow more) I think tomorrow will be a pause before sell-off resumes Friday.

  154. I saw it too.  Not there anymore

  155. After a short pause the market will probably resume it's upward trend. The economic fundamentals or techicals don't seem to matter in this kind of market. Let the zombie-like upward momentum continue. But just remember the party can't last forever.

  156. so was that the reversal? was that the top? was that the beginning of the bear market? lemme see a 100 point down day in the dow 1st. today was -53

  157. I converted 4 years ago. Now my life is good. :) But less people I do know, the ones I needed to help me with my computer problems, they are gone. And a lot of my family I got hooked on the apple also. And really, nobody complained to me. Ok, not the first two-four weeks...

    ok, for real: The cheapest computer I ever bought, was a Apple iMac 24". Still running, still using, no feeling of being left behind with the hardware. Total cost of ownership, beat all my PCs before. But of course Win8 sounds not too bad also. But who cares.

    And for real part 2: I first thought buying the apple was the dumbest idea ever for the first two weeks. Because so many things were different. Then I discovered, they were easier solutions every where. Since then I am sure to have wasted too much time on inferior products from Microsoft. But again, who knows, maybe Win8 will be great. But who cares.

    Biggest problem was a hard disk failure. But then, change the disk, and let time machine do its tricks. After 2 hours everything running like before. Nothing lost, everything in place and I am not a geek.

  158. maybe I should disclaim, that I own some stock in the company I do the gospel for here.... *ggg

  159. Anyone think the tops are in yet?
    There is some evidence.
    Just my 2c.

  160. Katzo...your wife actually entertained a MM with your knowledge of short term trading? Ever hear of Robert Mann or Ray Hanson? I found a book they pub'd in 1978..cost was $10...Titled "Nonrandom Profits" simple and effective way to invest (long term 3 to 7 years) with remarkable results. Rules are easy to follow, chart pattern easy to identify, holding time requires real discipline. Results are - 9 out of 10 double, 7 out of 10 triple and 3 out of 10 quintuple in value. I've attached a pic of the typical chart pattern and as I say, it's easily recognized in many equities traded in the USA. If interested, let me know via a post reply and I'll send you some pages from the original book. 

  161. Nice animation :).  Remember the bigger picture, from Sunday night's/Monday's update

    The main question still in my mind is whether the fourth wave of this rally has already unfolded or not.  My preferred view is that it has not, which suggests that a correction is due soon, followed by new highs.  I'll simply need to see what the next decline looks like to aid in determining degree of trend.

  162. the diff between a ghost spike and a hammer is the ghost spike will get mysteriously "erased", is that correct? I have been learning so much from you..:)

  163. nother drop set up right now. . .

  164. I have been using Apple products for a few years now, I am a happy customer, except the itunes. However, I do feel that the top for Apple is in, in terms of innovation, with Jobs gone, things are going to be different. Have you guys seen the padphone commercial from ASUS? I think my next phone will not be iphone anymore....I definitely will not buy the ipad customers are slowly moving 2 cents

  165. The AH is eerily quiet. Big spread on TF's and limited bids and offers.

  166. If a decline lasts more than 24 hours, or even 18, then we may have a beginning of a top, imo. Right now, a "crash" at the close usually is reversed by the next morning. :-)

  167. RUT has been struggling to get above the descending TL from the years earlier highs.  I was kinda expecting the TL to be broken and the RUT to continue upward but the price action looks like the RUT is getting weaker.

  168. Well, shouldn't have worked my tail off last nigh on alternate counts.  Would have saved me a bunch of time to just say, "Yep, looks good so far.  Still watching for a reversal at 1376-1378.  Trade safe."  :D

  169.  anyone notice the huge drop in GLD today?

  170. i know now why the markets sold off.......Monkeys singer and actor Davy Jones died.....may he rest in peace

  171. I don't really have a stance on whether a top is in or not, but I'm all but certain that the trend has is over. Maybe we trade sideways, with a chance of a breief spike to another high.  Not suggesting a strong decline in the making but its hard to make the case for continued rally when there are so many indicators, divergences, bearish breadth indices clearly showing some downside.  The market has managed to break last years high with many of the aforemened in place, but it can only hop so much higher on one leg, before correcting or turning back. 

  172. I would disagree with this "rule" for a reason.  I agree that wave 3 should be longer than 1, and wave 4 should be longer than 2 -- but to me that's where the "rule" ends.  Fifth waves in diagonals are the one place I routinely look for fifth wave failures -- it's actually fairly common for the fifth wave of a diagonal to either overshoot or undershoot the target.

  173. First time since the first of the year, that this feels like an IT top may be in.  

    Though it's hard to imagine a real catalyst that would send us back below 1,300 for very long.  The CB's have made sure that everyone is now flush with cash and needing a place to send it.Or this could have just been another run of the mill sell the news day.  Trading below 1,360 tomorrow will not surprise me either way.  What will be most curious to me is if the bots kick in an shoot everything back up once the fifteen minute chart indicators really bottom out next. Shorting the open today and adding on the way up to 1,377 this morning was one of the easier trades I've made this year.  I wish they could all be that easy.

  174. The move from 1378 to 1364 is the best looking downward impulse I've seen in a while.

  175. Yes, but only after the fact.  It would have helped forecast that we were going to end down hard at the close...

    Same with silver.

  176. I have to say, with the way things have been since December, if the preferred count actually hit the top in this market, and especially since right now it's that long-standing Fib 1376-78 target -- then I myself will be somewhat impressed at this stage.  :o 

    This market has been something else.

  177. humm, back at my 60.25 gap fill line again in a/h action.

    here is a fib circle/WEEK. notice how effective the fib lines are in effecting the candle action.

  178. Huge bullish engulfing candle on the dollar -- and bounced right at the 61.8% retrace level.

  179. My cousin also went whole hog with Apple products a couple of years ago.  It's kind of like owning a John Deere tractor -- nothing works like a Deere....until it doesn't, and then you find out the repair costs are astronomical.  Told my cousin to back-up their time machine to a second source because the time capsule seems to have a half-life of only 9 months.

  180. it's being driven by the central banks instead of investor psychology.   wise words! i totally agree. Look at the huge drop in gold as Ben spoke out about no QE3. 

  181. It looks like a wave4 to me. New highs before a top is formed. Does not look like a top in my opinion.

  182. Thanks.  I think that's a key realization for this market -- and that's why the historical precedents haven't worked so well.  The market usually moves in predictable patterns due to psychology, and history repeats (thus patterns repeat) because people don't change.  But with the CB's in there, everything has become distorted to a degree.  Eventually, I'll figure out how to compensate for that distortion.

  183.  Katzo,
    That looks an awful lot like the Solar System with planetary orbits around the sun. No wonder Furr is so good at predicting the stock market's astrological movements. :)


    1. How do you choose the foci of the concentric ellipses?
    2. Is this just coincidence or are there deep psychologies involved?


  184. I know Ben has said no QE3 but what about the other central banks? They are making up for it. Is the ECB due to inject liquidity starting today. Also, Japan,UK and The Swiss are pressing the QE panic button too. I dont trust these markets and think that PLs excellent write up nails the situation spot on. I see rising markets until end of April before the summer discount sale starts! 

  185. PL stop apologizing, all of us know what's going on, just take a look at the leg of this rally and tell me it does not match exactly in degree and duration the rallies that followed the prior FED POMO's.

    Sure we are going to keep front running this and taking some minor losses because we want the satisfaction of being there when this thing drops 500 plus points in one day and the clowns on CNBC get all long faced and unhappy.

  186. You guys didn't like today's article much overall, based on the 8 "good post" vs. yesterday's 23 "good post."  I only worked as hard as I did 'cause I love ya's.  It would have been *much* easier to just rehash yesterday.

    It's a fine line to walk to try to convey the idea of a preferred count, and show an alternate, without confusing people.  I guess I still haven't figured out how to walk that line.  The best I've been able to figure out is by giving percentages (65-35 in favor of the preferred count, or 80-50, depending on whether I'm counting or Ben is).

    Looking for thoughts and feedback here.  What do you guys feel is, or would be, more helpful to you? 
